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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing RESEN

MISREPRESENTSmisrepresents v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misrepresent.
MISREPRESENT v. to give a false or misleading representation of.
MULTIPRESENCEmultipresence n. Presence in multiple places simultaneously, a lesser form of omnipresence.
MULTIPRESENCE n. the power of being in many places at once.
OMNIPRESENCESomnipresences n. Plural of omnipresence.
OMNIPRESENCE n. the state of being omnipresent.
PLURIPRESENCEpluripresence n. Presence in more than one place.
PLURIPRESENCE n. presence in multiple places at one time.
PRESENTATIONSpresentations n. Plural of presentation.
PRESENTATION n. the act of presenting.
PRESENTEEISMSPRESENTEEISM n. ostentatious attendance at work.
PRESENTENCINGpresentencing adj. Occurring before sentencing.
PRESENTENCE v. to sentence in advance.
PRESENTIALITYpresentiality n. (Obsolete) State of being actually present.
PRESENTIALITY n. the state of being presential, relating to or having actual presence.
PRESENTIMENTSpresentiments n. Plural of presentiment.
PRESENTIMENT n. a feeling that something will or is about to happen.
PRESENTNESSESpresentnesses n. Plural of presentness.
PRESENTNESS n. the state of being present.
REPRESENTABLErepresentable adj. Capable of being represented.
REPRESENTABLE adj. capable of being represented.
REPRESENTAMENrepresentamen n. (Semiotics) A representation; a thing serving to represent something.
REPRESENTAMEN n. the product of representation.
REPRESENTANTSrepresentants n. Plural of representant.
REPRESENTANT n. a representative.
REPRESENTMENTrepresentment n. (Now rare) A depiction or representation.
REPRESENTMENT n. the act of representing.
RESENSITISINGresensitising v. Present participle of resensitise.
RESENSITISE v. to sensitise again, also RESENSITIZE.
RESENSITIZINGresensitizing v. Present participle of resensitize.
RESENSITIZE v. to sensitize again.
RESENTFULNESSresentfulness n. The characteristic of being resentful.
RESENTFULNESS n. the state of being resentful.
TELEPRESENCEStelepresences n. Plural of telepresence.
TELEPRESENCE n. the use of virtual reality to create the illusion of being at a different or imaginary location.
UNPRESENTABLEunpresentable adj. Not presentable.
UNPRESENTABLE adj. not presentable.
UNREPRESENTEDunrepresented adj. Not represented.
UNREPRESENTED adj. not represented.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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