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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing RTICU

ARTICULACIESarticulacies n. Plural of articulacy.
ARTICULACY n. the state of being articulate.
ARTICULATELYarticulately adv. In an articulate manner.
ARTICULATE adv. speaking clearly.
ARTICULATINGarticulating v. Present participle of articulate.
ARTICULATE v. to give clear and effective utterance to.
ARTICULATIONarticulation n. (Countable or uncountable) A joint or the collection of joints at which something is articulated, or…
articulation n. (Countable) A manner or method by which elements of a system are connected.
articulation n. (Uncountable) The quality, clarity or sharpness of speech.
ARTICULATIVEarticulative adj. Serving to articulate or express something.
ARTICULATIVE adj. relating to articulation.
ARTICULATORSarticulators n. Plural of articulator.
ARTICULATOR n. one who articulates.
ARTICULATORYarticulatory adj. (Phonology) Of or pertaining to articulation; phonetic.
articulatory adj. (Medicine) Related to the specific articulation function of a joint.
ARTICULATORY adj. of or relating to articulation.
DEARTICULATEdearticulate v. (Transitive, rare) to disarticulate (common form), to disjoint.
DEARTICULATE v. to disjoint.
DIVERTICULARdiverticular adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the diverticulum.
DIVERTICULAR adj. relating to a diverticulum.
DIVERTICULUMdiverticulum n. (Anatomy) A small out-pouching of an organ wall such as the large intestine or urinary bladder.
DIVERTICULUM n. a blind passage or tunnel.
HORTICULTUREhorticulture n. The art or science of cultivating gardens; gardening.
horticulture n. Small-scale agriculture.
HORTICULTURE n. the science and art of growing fruits, vegetables, flowers, or ornamental plants.
INARTICULACYinarticulacy n. The quality of being inarticulate.
INARTICULACY n. the state of being inarticulate.
INARTICULATEinarticulate adj. (Of speech) not articulated in normal words.
inarticulate adj. Speechless.
inarticulate adj. Unable to speak with any clarity.
PARTICULARLYparticularly adv. (Focus) Especially, extremely.
particularly adv. (Degree) To a great extent.
particularly adv. Specifically, uniquely or individually.
PARTICULATESparticulates n. Plural of particulate (“solid or liquid in a subdivided state”).
PARTICULATE n. a particulate substance.
REARTICULATErearticulate v. To articulate again.
REARTICULATE v. to articulate again.
UNARTICULATEunarticulate adj. Synonym of inarticulate.
UNARTICULATE adj. not articulate, also INARTICULATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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