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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing RETIC

ANCHORETICALanchoretical adj. Anchoretic.
ANCHORETICAL adj. of or like an anchoret, also ANCHORETIC.
ANTIDIURETICantidiuretic n. (Physiology, medicine) an agent that prevents or counteracts diuresis.
antidiuretic adj. Preventing or counteracting diuresis, especially by the reduction of urination.
ANTIDIURETIC n. a drug inhibiting the formation of urine.
ANTIPYRETICSantipyretics n. Plural of antipyretic.
ANTIPYRETIC n. an agent which prevents or reduces fever.
ATHEORETICALatheoretical adj. Independent of theory.
ATHEORETICAL adj. not based on or concerned with theory.
CATAPHORETICcataphoretic adj. Relating to cataphoresis.
CATAPHORETIC adj. relating to cataphoresis, the movement, due to application of electricity, of particles through a fluid.
DIAPHORETICSdiaphoretics n. Plural of diaphoretic.
DIAPHORETIC n. a drug having the power to increase perspiration.
DIURETICALLYdiuretically adv. In a diuretic way.
DIURETIC adv. increasing the flow of urine.
HERETICATINGhereticating v. Present participle of hereticate.
HERETICATE v. to denounce as heretical.
HYPERPYRETIChyperpyretic adj. Relating to hyperpyresis.
HYPERPYRETIC adj. suffering from hyperpyrexia, an extremely high fever.
NATRIURETICSnatriuretics n. Plural of natriuretic.
NATRIURETIC n. a medicine used to treat natriuresis, excessive loss of sodium in the urine.
RETICULATELYreticulately adv. In a reticulate manner.
RETICULATE adv. like a network.
RETICULATINGreticulating v. Present participle of reticulate.
RETICULATE v. to interconnect in network fashion.
RETICULATIONreticulation n. A network of criss-crossing lines, strands, cables or pipes.
reticulation n. A method of copying a painting by the help of threads stretched across a frame.
RETICULATION n. a network or netlike structure.
RETICULOCYTEreticulocyte n. An immature red blood cell, having a reticular network of RNA.
RETICULOCYTE n. an immature red blood cell that exhibits a reticulated appearance when stained.
THEORETICIANtheoretician n. Someone who is expert in the theory of a particular science or art.
theoretician n. A theorist.
THEORETICIAN n. a theorist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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