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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing RUSES

ANTIVIRUSESantiviruses n. Plural of antivirus.
anti-viruses n. Plural of anti-virus.
ANTIVIRUS n. a computer program designed to counter viruses.
ARBOVIRUSESarboviruses n. Plural of arbovirus.
ARBOVIRUS n. any of a group of viruses spread by mosquitoes.
DIOESTRUSESDIOESTRUS n. a period of sexual inactivity, also DIESTRUM, DIESTRUS.
ECHOVIRUSESechoviruses n. Plural of echovirus.
ECHOVIRUS n. any of a group of viruses that cause respiratory or intestinal diseases.
FILOVIRUSESfiloviruses n. Plural of filovirus.
Filoviruses n. Plural of Filovirus.
FILOVIRUS n. any member of a family of viruses that includes the agents responsible for Ebola virus disease and Marburg disease.
METESTRUSESMETESTRUS n. the short period following oestrus in many mammals during which sexual activity subsides, also METOESTRUS.
MIMIVIRUSESmimiviruses n. Plural of mimivirus.
MIMIVIRUS n. a genus of virus, one of the largest and most complex known.
MYCOVIRUSESmycoviruses n. Plural of mycovirus.
MYCOVIRUS n. a virus attacking fungi.
MYXOVIRUSESmyxoviruses n. Plural of myxovirus.
MYXOVIRUS n. any of a group of related viruses causing influenza, mumps etc.
NOROVIRUSESnoroviruses n. Plural of norovirus.
NOROVIRUS n. any of a group of viruses responsible for gastroenteritis.
ONCOVIRUSESoncoviruses n. Plural of oncovirus.
ONCOVIRUS n. a virus causing cancer.
PROESTRUSESPROESTRUS n. in mammals, the coming on of heat in the oestrus cycle.
ROTAVIRUSESrotaviruses n. Plural of rotavirus.
ROTAVIRUS n. a wheel-shaped virus causing gastroenteritis.
THESAURUSESthesauruses n. Plural of thesaurus.
THESAURUS n. (Latin) a storehouse of knowledge; a dictionary of synonyms.
TOGAVIRUSEStogaviruses n. Plural of togavirus.
TOGAVIRUS n. one of a family of viruses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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  • English Wiktionary: 81 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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