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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing ROBAT

ACROBATISMSacrobatisms n. Plural of acrobatism.
ACROBATISM n. the art of the acrobat.
APPROBATINGapprobating v. Present participle of approbate.
APPROBATE v. to approve expressly or formally.
APPROBATIONapprobation n. The act of approving; an assenting to the propriety of a thing with some degree of pleasure or satisfaction;…
APPROBATION n. approval, consent.
APPROBATIVEapprobative adj. Expressing approval.
approbative adj. Sanctioning officially, giving authorization or approval to something.
approbative n. (Linguistics) A word or grammatical form which denotes a positive affect expressing the appreciation…
APPROBATORYapprobatory adj. Tending to approve or confirm.
APPROBATORY adj. expressing approbation.
IMPROBATIONimprobation n. Disapproval.
improbation n. (Law, Scotland) The act by which falsehood and forgery are proved; an action brought for the purpose…
IMPROBATION n. in Scots law, an action for the purpose of declaring some instrument false or forged.
PROBATIONALprobational adj. Probationary.
PROBATIONAL adj. relating to, serving purpose of, probation or trial.
PROBATIONERprobationer n. One who is on probation.
probationer n. (Scotland) One who is licensed to preach, but not ordained to a pastorate.
probationer n. (UK, music) A chorister in their training period before full admission to a choir, whether or not that…
PROBATIVELYPROBATIVE adv. testing, affording proof, also PROBATORY.
REPROBATERSreprobaters n. Plural of reprobater.
REPROBATER n. one who reprobates.
REPROBATINGreprobating v. Present participle of reprobate.
REPROBATE v. to disapprove of.
REPROBATIONreprobation n. The act of reprobating; the state of being reprobated; strong disapproval, reproof or censure.
reprobation n. (Christianity) The predestination of a certain number of the human race as reprobates, or objects of…
reprobation n. (Military) Disqualification to hold office.
REPROBATIVEreprobative adj. Expressing, or pertaining to, reprobation.
REPROBATIVE adj. condemnatory, also REPROBATORY.
REPROBATORSreprobators n. Plural of reprobator.
REPROBATOR n. (Scots) in Scots law, an action to prove a witness perjured or biased.
REPROBATORYreprobatory adj. Reprobative.
REPROBATORY adj. condemnatory, also REPROBATIVE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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