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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing RIORI

ANTERIORITYanteriority n. The state of being anterior or preceding in time or in situation; priority.
ANTERIORITY n. the state of being anterior.
APRIORITIESapriorities n. Plural of apriority.
APRIORITY n. the quality of being innate in the mind, or prior to experience.
DETERIORISMDETERIORISM n. the doctrine that the world grows worse.
DETERIORITYdeteriority n. A worse quality or state; inferiority.
DETERIORITY n. (obsolete) worseness.
EXTERIORISEexteriorise v. Alternative form of exteriorize.
EXTERIORISE v. to make exterior, also EXTERIORIZE.
EXTERIORITYexteriority n. Surface; externality.
EXTERIORITY n. the state of being exterior or exteriorized.
EXTERIORIZEexteriorize v. (Transitive) To externalize.
exteriorize v. (Surgery, transitive) To expose (an internal organ) for observation or surgery.
EXTERIORIZE v. to make exterior, also EXTERIORISE.
INFERIORITYinferiority n. The quality or state of being inferior.
inferiority n. An inferior value or quality.
inferiority n. An inferior power.
INTERIORISEinteriorise v. Alternative form of interiorize.
INTERIORISE v. to make interior.
INTERIORITYinteriority n. The state or quality of being private or interior to the person.
INTERIORITY n. interior quality or character.
INTERIORIZEinteriorize v. (Transitive) To internalize; to bring inside oneself.
INTERIORIZE v. to make interior, also INTERIORISE.
PRIORITISEDprioritised v. Simple past tense and past participle of prioritise.
PRIORITISE v. to assign a priority to, also PRIORITIZE.
PRIORITISESprioritises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prioritise.
PRIORITISE v. to assign a priority to, also PRIORITIZE.
PRIORITIZEDprioritized v. Simple past tense and past participle of prioritize.
prioritized adj. With priority, having priority.
PRIORITIZE v. to assign a priority to, also PRIORITISE.
PRIORITIZESprioritizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prioritize.
PRIORITIZE v. to assign a priority to, also PRIORITISE.
SUPERIORITYsuperiority n. The state of being superior.
superiority n. (Scotland, law, historical) The right which the superior enjoys in the land held by the vassal.
SUPERIORITY n. the state of being superior.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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