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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing RDINA

CARDINALATEcardinalate n. The dignity and ecclesiastic office of Roman Catholic cardinal.
cardinalate n. Collective term for the cardinals.
CARDINALATE n. the office or dignity of cardinal; the cardinals collectively.
CARDINALITYcardinality n. (Set theory, of a set) The number of elements a given set contains.
cardinality n. (Type theory) The number of terms that can inhabit a type; the possible values of a type.
cardinality n. (Data modeling, databases) The property of a relationship between a database table and another one…
COORDINANCEcoordinance n. Joint ordinance.
COORDINANCE n. a joint ordinance.
COORDINATEDcoordinated adj. Organized, working together, cooperating.
coordinated adj. Physically graceful or skillful.
coordinated adj. (Chemistry) Having coordinate bonds.
COORDINATEScoordinates n. Plural of coordinate.
coordinates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of coordinate.
coördinates n. Plural of coördinate.
COORDINATORcoordinator n. One who coordinates.
coordinator n. (Sports, chiefly American football) An assistant coach responsible for a particular facet of the game…
coordinator n. (Grammar) A member of a lexical class of words that joins two or more items (such as words, phrases…
DISORDINATEdisordinate adj. (Obsolete) inordinate; disorderly.
DISORDINATE adj. not in order.
INCARDINATEincardinate v. (Transitive) To raise (someone) to the rank of cardinal.
incardinate v. (Transitive) To enroll (someone) as a priest of a particular church.
INCARDINATE v. to make cardinal; to receive (priest) from another diocese.
ORDINARIESTordinariest adj. Superlative form of ordinary: most ordinary.
ORDINARY adj. according to the common type.
ORDINATIONSordinations n. Plural of ordination.
ORDINATION n. the act of ordaining.
SUBCARDINALsubcardinal adj. (Anatomy) Located beneath a cardinal vein.
SUBCARDINAL n. a subordinate cardinal.
SUBORDINARYsubordinary n. (Heraldry) Any device that is less common than the normal ordinaries.
SUBORDINARY n. any of several heraldic bearings of secondary importance to the ordinary, such as the lozenge and the orle.
SUBORDINATEsubordinate adj. Placed in a lower class, rank, or position.
subordinate adj. Submissive or inferior to, or controlled by authority.
subordinate adj. (Grammar, of a clause, not comparable) dependent on and either modifying or complementing the main clause.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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