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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing RALLE

ENTHRALLERSenthrallers n. Plural of enthraller.
ENTHRALLER n. one who enthrals.
NONPARALLELnonparallel adj. Not parallel.
NONPARALLEL adj. not parallel.
PARALLELINGparalleling v. Present participle of parallel.
paralleling n. A process of making or becoming figuratively parallel.
PARALLELING n. a commercial practice whereby companies buy highly priced goods (e.g. perfume) in markets where prices are relatively low and sell them on in markets where prices are higher.
PARALLELISEparallelise v. Alternative form of parallelize.
PARALLELISE v. to provide a parallel to, also PARALLELIZE.
PARALLELISMparallelism n. The state or condition of being parallel; agreement in direction, tendency, or character.
parallelism n. The state of being in agreement or similarity; resemblance, correspondence, analogy.
parallelism n. A parallel position; the relation of parallels.
PARALLELISTparallelist adj. Parallelistic.
parallelist n. Such a person.
PARALLELIST n. a person who draws a parallel or comparison; a believer in psychophysical parallelism.
PARALLELIZEparallelize v. To make parallel (to each other).
parallelize v. (Programming) To make to execute in parallel.
parallelize v. To treat as if parallel; to draw parallels between.
PARALLELLEDparallelled v. (Britain) simple past tense and past participle of parallel.
PARALLEL v. to be extended in the same direction.
RALLENTANDIRALLENTANDO n. (Italian) a musical direction to perform a passage with a gradual decrease in time and force.
RALLENTANDOrallentando adj. (Music) slackening; becoming slower (used as a musical direction).
RALLENTANDO n. (Italian) a musical direction to perform a passage with a gradual decrease in time and force.
SUBPARALLELsubparallel adj. Almost parallel, but diverging or converging slightly.
SUBPARALLEL adj. almost parallel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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