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There are 8 ten-letter words containing ROPER

IMPROPERLYimproperly adv. In an improper manner; not properly.
IMPROPER adv. not proper.
PROPERDINSPROPERDIN n. a natural protein in blood that helps provide immunity to infectious disease.
PROPERNESSproperness n. The state or condition of being proper; propriety.
properness n. (Mathematics) The state or condition of being proper (Of a proper fraction, proper subset, etc.).
properness n. (Obsolete) Excellence, quality.
PROPERTIEDpropertied adj. Owning property, especially land or real estate that yields an income.
PROPERTY v. to make one's own property, appropriate, take or hold possession of.
PROPERTIESproperties n. Plural of property.
PROPERTY v. to make one's own property, appropriate, take or hold possession of.
SANDGROPERsandgroper n. (Australia, humorous) An inhabitant of Western Australia.
sandgroper n. Any species of the family Cylindrachetidae of subterranean insects, found in Australia, New Guinea and Argentina.
SANDGROPER n. (Australian slang) a pioneer at the time of the gold rush.
UNPROPERLYunproperly adv. In an unproper manner; not properly.
UNPROPER adv. improper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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