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There are 10 ten-letter words containing ROMIS

CHROMISINGchromising v. Present participle of chromise.
CHROMISE v. to chrome, also CHROMIZE.
COMPROMISEcompromise n. The settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions.
compromise n. A committal to something derogatory or objectionable; a prejudicial concession; a surrender.
compromise n. (Computer security) A breach of a computer or network’s rules such that an unauthorized disclosure or…
DICHROMISMdichromism n. Dichromatism.
DICHROMISM n. the state of being dichromic.
OUTPROMISEoutpromise v. (Transitive) To make more or better promises than.
OUTPROMISE v. to surpass in promising.
POGROMISTSpogromists n. Plural of pogromist.
POGROMIST n. one who engages in pogroms.
PROMISEFULpromiseful adj. Full of promise for the future; promising.
PROMISEFUL adj. full of promise.
PROMISSIVEpromissive adj. Making or implying a promise.
PROMISSIVE adj. making a promise.
PROMISSORSpromissors n. Plural of promissor.
PROMISSOR n. one who makes a (legal) promise, also PROMISER, PROMISOR.
PROMISSORYpromissory adj. Containing or consisting of a promise.
promissory adj. (Law, of a contractual provision) Stipulating the future actions required of the parties to an insurance…
PROMISSORY adj. containing a promise or binding declaration of something to be done or forborne.
UNPROMISEDunpromised adj. Not promised.
unpromised v. Past tense of unpromise.
UNPROMISED adj. not promised.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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