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There are 10 ten-letter words containing RITAN

ABIRRITANTabirritant adj. (Medicine) Acting to diminish irritation; soothing.
abirritant n. (Pharmacology) A medicine that diminishes irritation.
ABIRRITANT n. any drug or agent that relieves irritation.
BRITANNIASBRITANNIA n. an alloy of tin and antimony with a low melting point, also BRITTANIA.
PURITANISEpuritanise v. Alternative form of puritanize.
PURITANISE v. to make a Puritan of, also PURITANIZE.
PURITANISMpuritanism n. (Theology) Strict and austere religious conduct.
puritanism n. Extreme strictness regarding moral scruples.
Puritanism n. The beliefs and practices of the Puritans.
PURITANIZEpuritanize v. (Transitive, intransitive) To agree with, or teach, the doctrines of Puritans; to conform to the practice of Puritans.
PURITANIZE v. to make a Puritan of, also PURITANISE.
SAMARITANSsamaritans n. Plural of samaritan.
Samaritans n. Plural of Samaritan.
Samaritans prop.n. (UK) A telephone helpline providing support to those at risk of suicide.
SECURITANSsecuritans n. Plural of securitan.
SECURITAN n. (obsolete) someone who dwells in fancied security.
TRITANOPEStritanopes n. Plural of tritanope.
TRITANOPE n. one suffering from tritanopia, the inability to distinguish the colour blue.
TRITANOPIAtritanopia n. A form of color blindness in which the retina is deficient in or lacks cone cells containing opsins…
TRITANOPIA n. the inability to distinguish properly between blue and yellow.
TRITANOPICtritanopic adj. Relating to tritanopia.
TRITANOPIC adj. relating to tritanopia, the inability to distinguish properly between blue and yellow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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