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There are 16 ten-letter words containing RESIS

APHAERESISaphaeresis n. (UK, Canada) Alternative spelling of apheresis.
aphæresis n. Obsolete form of apheresis.
APHAERESIS n. the omission of a letter, sound or syllable at the beginning of a word, e.g. as knife becoming nife, also APHERESIS.
ENCOPRESISencopresis n. (Medicine) fecal incontinence in children.
ENCOPRESIS n. the involuntary discharge of faeces, esp. when associated with psychiatric disturbance.
ENURESISESENURESIS n. involuntary urination.
HYSTERESIShysteresis n. A property of a system such that an output value is not a strict function of the corresponding input…
hysteresis n. Magnetic friction in dynamos, by which every reversal of magnetism in the iron causes dissipation of energy.
HYSTERESIS n. the retardation or lagging of an effect behind the cause of the effect.
OLIGURESISOLIGURESIS n. scantiness of urine in proportion to liquid intake, also OLIGURIA.
PROAIRESISPROAIRESIS n. the act of choosing.
RESISTANCEresistance n. The act of resisting, or the capacity to resist.
resistance n. (Physics) A force that tends to oppose motion.
resistance n. (Physics) electrical resistance.
RESISTANTSresistants n. Plural of resistant.
RESISTANT n. a person who or thing which resists; specifically a member of a resistance movement, also RESISTENT.
RESISTENTSresistents n. Plural of resistent.
RESISTENT n. a person who or thing which resists; specifically a member of a resistance movement, also RESISTANT.
RESISTIBLEresistible adj. Able to be resisted.
RESISTIBLE adj. that can be resisted.
RESISTIBLYresistibly adv. Such that it can be resisted.
RESISTIBLE adv. that can be resisted.
RESISTLESSresistless adj. That cannot be resisted; irresistible.
resistless adj. Putting up no resistance; unresisting.
RESISTLESS adj. (archaic) irresistible.
SYNAERESISsynaeresis n. (Linguistics, prosody) the contraction of two vowels into a diphthong or a long vowel.
synaeresis n. (Chemistry) the separating out of the liquid from a gel.
synæresis n. Alternative spelling of synaeresis.
SYNDERESISsynderesis n. (Philosophy) The supposed innate ability of the human mind to realise the basic principles of ethics and morals.
SYNDERESIS n. conscience as a guide to action; intuitive moral knowledge, also SYNTERESIS.
SYNTERESISsynteresis n. (Theology, historical) An aspect of one’s conscience by which one can judge wrong from right and decide…
synteresis n. (Medicine, obsolete) Preventive treatment; prophylaxis.
SYNTERESIS n. conscience as a guide to action; intuitive moral knowledge, also SYNDERESIS.
UNRESISTEDunresisted adj. Not resisted; unopposed, undefied.
UNRESISTED adj. not resisted; unopposed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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