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There are 16 ten-letter words containing REALI

CEREALISTScerealists n. Plural of cerealist.
CEREALIST n. one who grows cereals.
NEOREALISMneorealism n. (Art) A movement in art, literature and (especially in Italy) cinema, shortly after the Second World…
neorealism n. (Political science) A theory of international relations based on the idea that power is the most important factor.
NEOREALISM n. a modern form of realism in the arts and literature.
NEOREALISTneorealist adj. Of or pertaining to the post World War II international relations movement of neorealism.
neorealist adj. (Film) Of or pertaining to the post-World War II Italian movement of neorealism, which focused on realistic…
neorealist adj. (Art) Of or pertaining to the neorealism movement in art, which emerged in Britain around 1914.
REALIGNINGrealigning v. Present participle of realign.
realigning adj. Prone to, or having the effect of, causing a realignment.
REALIGN v. to align again.
REALISABLErealisable adj. Alternative spelling of realizable.
REALISABLE adj. that can be realised, also REALIZABLE.
REALISABLYREALISABLE adv. that can be realised, also REALIZABLE.
REALIZABLErealizable adj. Capable of being realized (made real) or achieved.
REALIZABLE adj. that can be realized, also REALISABLE.
REALIZABLYrealizably adv. In a realizable manner; Synonym of feasibly.
REALIZABLE adv. that can be realized, also REALISABLE.
SURREALISMsurrealism n. An artistic movement and an aesthetic philosophy that aims for the liberation of the mind by emphasizing…
SURREALISM n. a movement in art and literature, begun in France around 1919.
SURREALISTsurrealist adj. Of, or relating to surrealism.
surrealist n. A surrealist artist.
SURREALIST n. an exponent of surrealism.
SURREALITYsurreality n. The state of being incongruous or surreal.
surreality n. That which is surreal; a surreal entity, event or other fact.
UNREALISEDunrealised adj. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of unrealized.
UNREALISE v. to divest of reality, also UNREALIZE.
UNREALISESunrealises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unrealise.
UNREALISE v. to divest of reality, also UNREALIZE.
UNREALISMSunrealisms n. Plural of unrealism.
UNREALISM n. lack of realism.
UNREALIZEDunrealized adj. Not realized; possible to obtain or achieve, yet not obtained or achieved.
UNREALIZE v. to divest of reality, also UNREALISE.
UNREALIZESunrealizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unrealize.
UNREALIZE v. to divest of reality, also UNREALISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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