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There are 20 ten-letter words containing RADIC

BIRADICALSbiradicals n. Plural of biradical.
BIRADICAL n. a molecule with two centres.
CONTRADICTcontradict v. To deny the truth or validity of (a statement or statements).
contradict v. To oppose (a person) by denying the truth or pertinence of a given statement.
contradict v. To be contrary to (something).
CORADICATEcoradicate adj. (Linguistics) Sharing a common root.
CORADICATE adj. of the same root.
ERADICABLEeradicable adj. Capable of being eradicated.
ERADICABLE adj. that can be eradicated.
ERADICABLYERADICABLE adv. that can be eradicated.
ERADICANTSeradicants n. Plural of eradicant.
ERADICANT n. something that eradicates.
ERADICATEDeradicated adj. Eliminated, utterly destroyed.
eradicated adj. (Heraldry) Having the roots of a tree visible in the emblazon.
eradicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of eradicate.
ERADICATESeradicates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of eradicate.
ERADICATE v. to root out.
ERADICATOReradicator n. A person who, or thing that eradicates.
ERADICATOR n. one who eradicates.
IRRADICATEirradicate v. To root deeply.
IRRADICATE v. to fix firmly.
RADICALISEradicalise v. Alternative spelling of radicalize.
RADICALISE v. to make or become radical, also RADICALIZE.
RADICALISMradicalism n. Any of various radical social or political movements that aim at fundamental change in the structure of society.
RADICALISM n. the state of being radical.
RADICALITYradicality n. The quality of being radical; radicalness.
radicality n. (Obsolete) Germinal principle; source; origination.
radicality n. (Obsolete) Radicalness; relation to root in essential nature or principle.
RADICALIZEradicalize v. (Transitive) To make radical.
radicalize v. (Intransitive) To become radical; to adopt a radical political stance.
RADICALIZE v. to make or become radical, also RADICALISE.
RADICATINGradicating v. Present participle of radicate.
RADICATE v. to cause to take root.
RADICATIONradication n. The process of taking root, or state of being rooted.
radication n. (Botany) The disposition of the roots of a plant.
radication n. (Arithmetic, rare) The process of extracting a number’s root.
RADICCHIOSradicchios n. Plural of radicchio.
RADICCHIO n. (Italian) a purple-leaved variety of chicory from Italy.
RADICIFORMradiciform adj. (Botany) Having the nature or appearance of a radix, or root.
RADICIFORM adj. like a root.
RADICULOSEradiculose adj. Producing many rootlets or radicles.
RADICULOSE adj. producing numerous radicles, or rootlets.
SPORADICALsporadical adj. Sporadic.
SPORADICAL adj. occurring at irregular intervals, also SPORADIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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