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There are 9 words containing RUNO

RUNOFFrunoff n. That portion of precipitation or irrigation on an area which does not infiltrate or evaporate, but instead…
runoff n. Dissolved chemicals, etc, included in such water.
runoff n. (Sports) A second or further round of a competition, after other competitors (often all but the last…
RUNOUTrunout n. Something that has been run out.
runout n. (Cricket) A run out, a running out. The method of getting out in which a batsman, in making a run, has…
runout n. (Skiing) A relatively flat portion at the end of a ski run to slow down, or to connect trails.
CRUNODEcrunode n. (Geometry) A point where one branch of a curve crosses another branch.
CRUNODE n. a point at which a curve crosses itself.
RUNOFFSrunoffs n. Plural of runoff.
run-offs n. Plural of run-off.
RUNOFF n. a rainfall that is not absorbed by the soil.
RUNOUTSrunouts n. Plural of runout.
run-outs n. Plural of run-out.
run␣outs n. Plural of run out.
RUNOVERrunover n. (Printing) A line of text that overruns the available space.
runover n. (Television) The situation where a television programme overruns its scheduled slot.
run␣over v. (Idiomatic) To exceed the allotted time.
CRUNODALcrunodal adj. (Geometry) Possessing, or characterized by, a crunode.
CRUNODAL adj. relating to a crunode, the point at which a curve crosses itself.
CRUNODEScrunodes n. Plural of crunode.
CRUNODE n. a point at which a curve crosses itself.
RUNOVERSrunovers n. Plural of runover.
RUNOVER n. matter for publication that exceeds the allotted space.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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