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There are 13 words containing RUNI

RUNICrunic adj. Of, pertaining to, or written using runes.
Runic prop.n. (Nonstandard, lax) Any of the ancient Germanic languages which were written using runes.
Runic adj. Alternative letter-case form of runic.
GRUNIONgrunion n. Either of two small fish, of the genus Leuresthes, found along the coast of Mexico and southern California…
GRUNION n. a small Californian sea-fish which spawns on shore.
PRUNIERPrunier prop.n. A surname from French.
PRUNEY adj. resembling a prune.
PRUNINGpruning n. A removal of excess material from a tree or shrub.
pruning n. (Countable) Something obtained by pruning, as a twig.
pruning n. (Computer science) A method of enumeration that allows the cutting out of parts of a decision tree.
BRUNIZEMBRUNIZEM n. (Russian) a prairie soil.
GRUNIONSgrunions n. Plural of grunion.
GRUNION n. a small Californian sea-fish which spawns on shore.
PRUNIESTPRUNEY adj. resembling a prune.
PRUNINGSprunings n. Plural of pruning.
PRUNING n. the act of pruning.
BRUNIZEMSBRUNIZEM n. (Russian) a prairie soil.
INTERUNITinterunit adj. Between units.
INTERUNIT adj. between units.
INTERUNIONinterunion adj. Between unions.
interunion n. A union between members of different groups or sets.
INTERUNION n. a blending together.
INTERUNIONSinterunions n. Plural of interunion.
INTERUNION n. a blending together.
INTERUNIVERSITYinteruniversity adj. Existing or taking place between universities.
INTERUNIVERSITY n. between universities.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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