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There are 10 words containing RUCU

PIRARUCUpirarucu n. A fish, the arapaima (Arapaima gigas).
PIRARUCU n. (Tupi) a large South American fish, aka arapaima.
PIRARUCUSpirarucus n. Plural of pirarucu.
PIRARUCU n. (Tupi) a large South American fish, aka arapaima.
SURUCUCUsurucucu n. A venomous pit viper, the bushmaster.
SURUCUCU n. a South American Indian name for the bushmaster snake.
SURUCUCUSsurucucus n. Plural of surucucu.
SURUCUCU n. a South American Indian name for the bushmaster snake.
TRUCULENCEtruculence n. The state of being truculent; eagerness to fight; ferocity.
TRUCULENCE n. the state of being truculent, aggressive and discourteous, also TRUCULENCY.
TRUCULENCEStruculences n. Plural of truculence.
TRUCULENCE n. the state of being truculent, aggressive and discourteous, also TRUCULENCY.
TRUCULENCIEStruculencies n. Plural of truculency.
TRUCULENCY n. the state of being truculent, also TRUCULENCE.
TRUCULENCYtruculency n. (Uncountable) Truculence.
truculency n. (Countable) A truculent remark or behaviour.
TRUCULENCY n. the state of being truculent, also TRUCULENCE.
TRUCULENTtruculent adj. Cruel or savage.
truculent adj. Deadly or destructive.
truculent adj. Defiant or uncompromising.
TRUCULENTLYtruculently adv. With aggression; savagely.
TRUCULENT adv. aggressive and discourteous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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