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There are 11 words containing RUCA

FARRUCAfarruca n. A form of Flamenco music and dance, probably originating in Galicia, traditionally danced only by men.
FARRUCA n. (Spanish) a gypsy dance with sudden tempo and mood changes.
TRUCAGETRUCAGE n. (French) the faking of works of art, also TRUQUAGE.
VERRUCAverruca n. (Pathology) A wart, especially one that grows on the foot, caused by a human papilloma virus.
verruca n. (Mycology) A rounded projection or wart.
verruca n. (Botany) A sexine element similar to a wart.
CARUCAGEcarucage n. (Historical) A form of land taxation that replaced Danegeld in twelfth-century England.
carucage n. (Obsolete) The act of ploughing.
CARUCAGE n. a feudal tax levied on each carucate of land, i.e. as much land as may be tilled in a year and a day by one plough.
CARUCATEcarucate n. (Historical) The notional area of land able to be farmed in a year by a team of 8 oxen pulling a carruca…
CARUCATE n. (historical) as much land as may be tilled in a year and a day by one plough.
FARRUCASfarrucas n. Plural of farruca.
FARRUCA n. (Spanish) a gypsy dance with sudden tempo and mood changes.
TRUCAGESTRUCAGE n. (French) the faking of works of art, also TRUQUAGE.
VERRUCAEverrucae n. Plural of verruca.
VERRUCA n. (Latin) a plantar wart.
VERRUCASverrucas n. Plural of verruca.
VERRUCA n. (Latin) a plantar wart.
CARUCAGEScarucages n. Plural of carucage.
CARUCAGE n. a feudal tax levied on each carucate of land, i.e. as much land as may be tilled in a year and a day by one plough.
CARUCATEScarucates n. Plural of carucate.
CARUCATE n. (historical) as much land as may be tilled in a year and a day by one plough.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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