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There are 9 words containing RROL

PYRROLpyrrol n. (Dated) Alternative spelling of pyrrole.
PYRROL n. a colourless toxic liquid found in many naturally occurring compounds, e.g. chlorophyll, also PYRROLE.
PYRROLEpyrrole n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of aromatic heterocyclic compounds containing a ring of four carbon…
PYRROLE n. a colourless toxic liquid found in many naturally occurring compounds, e.g. chlorophyll, also PYRROL.
PYRROLESpyrroles n. Plural of pyrrole.
PYRROLE n. a colourless toxic liquid found in many naturally occurring compounds, e.g. chlorophyll, also PYRROL.
PYRROLICpyrrolic adj. (Organic chemistry) Pertaining to, or having a structure based on, a pyrrole.
PYRROLIC adj. of or like pyrrole, a colourless toxic liquid found in many naturally occurring compounds.
PYRROLIDINEpyrrolidine n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of heterocyclic amines having a saturated five-membered ring; especially…
PYRROLIDINE n. a colourless strongly alkaline heterocyclic base both occurring naturally and produced from pyrrole.
PYRROLIDINESpyrrolidines n. Plural of pyrrolidine.
PYRROLIDINE n. a colourless strongly alkaline heterocyclic base both occurring naturally and produced from pyrrole.
PYRROLSpyrrols n. Plural of pyrrol.
PYRROL n. a colourless toxic liquid found in many naturally occurring compounds, e.g. chlorophyll, also PYRROLE.
TETRAPYRROLEtetrapyrrole n. (Biochemistry) any of several natural pigments having a structure of four pyrrole rings connected by…
TETRAPYRROLE n. a chemical group consisting of four pyrrole rings joined either in a straight chain or in a ring, as in chlorophyll.
TETRAPYRROLEStetrapyrroles n. Plural of tetrapyrrole.
TETRAPYRROLE n. a chemical group consisting of four pyrrole rings joined either in a straight chain or in a ring, as in chlorophyll.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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