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There are 18 words containing RRIB

ARRIBAARRIBA interj. (Spanish) expressing pleasure, approval, or elation.
HORRIBLEhorrible n. A thing that causes horror; a terrifying thing, particularly a prospective bad consequence asserted…
horrible n. A person wearing a comic or grotesque costume in a parade of horribles.
horrible adj. Causing horror; terrible; shocking.
HORRIBLENESShorribleness n. The property of being horrible.
HORRIBLENESS n. the state of being horrible.
HORRIBLENESSEShorriblenesses n. Plural of horribleness.
HORRIBLENESS n. the state of being horrible.
HORRIBLEShorribles n. Plural of horrible.
HORRIBLE n. something horrible.
HORRIBLYhorribly adv. (Manner) In a horrible way; very badly.
horribly adv. (Degree, often modifying a negative adverb or adjective) To an extreme degree or extent.
horribly adv. (Evaluative) With a very bad effect.
INFERRIBLEinferrible adj. Synonym of inferable.
INFERRIBLE adj. that can be inferred, also INFERABLE, INFERIBLE, INFERRABLE.
REFERRIBLEreferrible adj. Referable.
REFERRIBLE adj. capable of being referred, also REFERABLE, REFERRABLE.
TERRIBILITIESterribilities n. Plural of terribility.
TERRIBILITY n. the state of being terrible.
TERRIBILITYterribility n. The quality of being terrible.
TERRIBILITY n. the state of being terrible.
TERRIBLEterrible adj. Dreadful; causing terror, alarm and fear; awesome.
terrible adj. Formidable, powerful.
terrible adj. Intense; extreme in degree or extent.
TERRIBLENESSterribleness n. The characteristic of being terrible.
TERRIBLENESS n. the state of being terrible.
TERRIBLENESSESterriblenesses n. Plural of terribleness.
TERRIBLENESS n. the state of being terrible.
TERRIBLESTERRIBLE n. a terrible thing.
TERRIBLYterribly adv. (Literary or dated) So as to cause terror or awe.
terribly adv. Very; extremely.
terribly adv. Very badly.
TRANSFERRIBLEtransferrible adj. Archaic form of transferable.
TRANSFERRIBLE adj. that can be transferred, also TRANSFERABLE, TRANSFERRABLE.
TURRIBANTturribant n. Obsolete form of turban.
TURRIBANT n. (Spenser) a turban.
TURRIBANTSturribants n. Plural of turribant.
TURRIBANT n. (Spenser) a turban.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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