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There are 19 words containing RPHE

BIMORPHEMICbimorphemic adj. Consisting of, or relating to, two morphemes.
bimorphemic adj. Relating to bimorphemes.
BIMORPHEMIC adj. consisting of two morphemes.
MONOMORPHEMICmonomorphemic adj. (Linguistics) Consisting of only one morpheme; not divisible into smaller parts.
MONOMORPHEMIC adj. consisting of only one morpheme.
MORPHEANMorphean adj. (Literary) Pertaining to Morpheus; sleepy, soporific, oneiric.
MORPHEAN adj. pertaining to Morpheus the Greek god of dreams.
MORPHEDmorphed v. Simple past tense and past participle of morph.
morphed adj. Transformed.
MORPH v. to gradually change shape and features, especially with computer graphics.
MORPHEMEmorpheme n. (Linguistic morphology) The smallest linguistic unit within a word that can carry a meaning.
MORPHEME n. a word or part of a word that contains no smaller unit of meaning e.g. 'man' or the 'ed' in 'walked'.
MORPHEMESmorphemes n. Plural of morpheme.
MORPHEME n. a word or part of a word that contains no smaller unit of meaning e.g. 'man' or the 'ed' in 'walked'.
MORPHEMICmorphemic adj. (Linguistics) Of or relating to morphemics or to a morpheme.
MORPHEMIC adj. of or like a morpheme.
MORPHEMICALLYmorphemically adv. By means of, or in terms, of morphemes.
MORPHEMIC adv. of or like a morpheme.
MORPHEMICSmorphemics n. (Linguistics) The study of morphemes, or of the morphemic structure of a language.
MORPHEMICS n. the study of morphemes.
MORPHETICmorphetic adj. Morphean; relating to sleep.
MORPHETIC adj. relating to Morpheus, the god of sleep, also MORPHEAN.
MORPHEWmorphew n. A blemish or mark on the skin, especially a blister caused by scurvy.
Morphew prop.n. A surname.
MORPHEW n. (Italian) a skin eruption.
MORPHEWSmorphews n. Plural of morphew.
Morphews prop.n. Plural of Morphew.
MORPHEW n. (Italian) a skin eruption.
ORPHEOREONorpheoreon n. Alternative form of orpharion.
ORPHEOREON n. a large lute-like stringed instrument with six to nine metal strings, also ORPHARION.
ORPHEOREONSorpheoreons n. Plural of orpheoreon.
ORPHEOREON n. a large lute-like stringed instrument with six to nine metal strings, also ORPHARION.
PERPHENAZINEperphenazine n. A potent anti-psychotic drug.
PERPHENAZINE n. a tranquillizer used esp. to control psychotic symptoms (as anxiety and agitation).
PERPHENAZINESperphenazines n. Plural of perphenazine.
PERPHENAZINE n. a tranquillizer used esp. to control psychotic symptoms (as anxiety and agitation).
SCARPHEDscarphed v. Simple past tense and past participle of scarph.
SCARPH v. in carpentry, to unite by means of a type of joint, also SCARF.
SUPERPHENOMENAsuperphenomena n. Plural of superphenomenon.
SUPERPHENOMENON n. an exceptional phenomenon.
SUPERPHENOMENONsuperphenomenon n. A phenomenon that exceeds normal phenomenal qualities, standards, etc.
SUPERPHENOMENON n. an exceptional phenomenon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 139 words
  • Scrabble in French: 66 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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