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There are 17 words containing ROGO

TROGONtrogon n. A bird of a species in the family Trogonidae, most of which live in Central and South America, have…
Trogon prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Trogonidae.
TROGON n. (Greek) any of numerous species of tropical birds belonging to the family Trogonidae, noted for their brilliant colors.
TROGONStrogons n. Plural of trogon.
TROGON n. (Greek) any of numerous species of tropical birds belonging to the family Trogonidae, noted for their brilliant colors.
MEROGONYmerogony n. (Biology) A form of asexual reproduction whereby a parasitic protozoan replicates its own nucleus inside…
merogony n. (Medicine, embryology) The development of part of an ovum after damage.
MEROGONY n. the artificial production of an embryo.
SPOROGONYsporogony n. The formation of sporozoites from spores or zygotes.
SPOROGONY n. the growth or development of an animal or a zooid from a nonsexual germ.
HETEROGONYheterogony n. (Botany) The condition of having two or more kinds of flower, different as to the length of their stamens and pistils.
HETEROGONY n. the condition of having two or more kinds of flowers, different as to the length of their stamens and pistils.
MEROGONIESmerogonies n. Plural of merogony.
MEROGONY n. the artificial production of an embryo.
SPOROGONIAsporogonia n. Plural of sporogonium.
SPOROGONIUM n. an organ that produces asexual spores in mosses.
SPOROGONICsporogonic adj. Relating to, or possessing sporogonia.
SPOROGONIC adj. relating to a sporogonium, an organ that produces asexual spores in mosses.
HETEROGONICheterogonic adj. (Botany) Characterized by heterogony.
heterogonic adj. (Biology) Describing a parasite whose life cycle is alternated with that of free-living generation.
HETEROGONIC adj. relating to heterogony.
SPOROGONIALsporogonial adj. Relating to the sporogonium.
SPOROGONIAL adj. of or like a sporogonium, an organ that produces asexual spores in mosses.
SPOROGONIESsporogonies n. Plural of sporogony.
SPOROGONY n. the growth or development of an animal or a zooid from a nonsexual germ.
SPOROGONIUMsporogonium n. The sporophyte of a bryophyte (moss, liverwort or hornwort), generally consisting of a foot, seta and capsule.
SPOROGONIUM n. an organ that produces asexual spores in mosses.
TRIMETROGONtrimetrogon n. A single assembly of three cameras at differing angles, used for aerial photographic surveys.
trimetrogon n. An image produced by this means.
TRIMETROGON n. a technique of aerial photography using three cameras, which increases the range and detail of the coverage.
HETEROGONIESheterogonies n. Plural of heterogony.
HETEROGONY n. the condition of having two or more kinds of flowers, different as to the length of their stamens and pistils.
HETEROGONOUSheterogonous adj. (Botany) Characterized by heterogony.
HETEROGONOUS adj. reproducing both sexually and asexually.
TRIMETROGONStrimetrogons n. Plural of trimetrogon.
TRIMETROGON n. a technique of aerial photography using three cameras, which increases the range and detail of the coverage.
HETEROGONOUSLYheterogonously adv. In a heterogonous manner.
HETEROGONOUS adv. reproducing both sexually and asexually.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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