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There are 11 words containing ROGI

ELECTROGILDINGelectrogilding n. Gilding by means of electricity; electroplating with gold.
ELECTROGILDING n. electroplating with gold.
ELECTROGILDINGSELECTROGILDING n. electroplating with gold.
PEROGIperogi n. Alternative spelling of pierogi.
PEROGI n. (Polish) a traditional Polish dish, a semicircular filled dumpling, also PEROGIE, PEROGY, PIEROGI, PIROGI, PYROGY, PYROHY.
PEROGIEperogie n. Alternative spelling of pierogi.
PEROGIE n. (Russian) a small dumpling with a filling, also PEROGI, PEROGY, PIEROGI, PIROGI, PYROGY, PYROHY.
PEROGIESperogies n. Plural of perogie or plural of perogy.
PEROGI n. (Polish) a traditional Polish dish, a semicircular filled dumpling, also PEROGIE, PEROGY, PIEROGI, PIROGI, PYROGY, PYROHY.
PEROGISperogis n. Plural of perogi.
PEROGI n. (Polish) a traditional Polish dish, a semicircular filled dumpling, also PEROGIE, PEROGY, PIEROGI, PIROGI, PYROGY, PYROHY.
PIEROGIpierogi n. (North America) A square- or crescent-shaped dumpling of unleavened dough, stuffed with sauerkraut…
PIEROGI n. (Polish) a small dumpling with a filling, also PEROGI, PEROGIE, PEROGY, PIROGI, PYROGY, PYROHY.
PIEROGIESpierogies n. Plural of pierogi.
PIEROGI n. (Polish) a small dumpling with a filling, also PEROGI, PEROGIE, PEROGY, PIROGI, PYROGY, PYROHY.
PIROGIpirogi n. Alternative spelling of pierogi.
pirogi n. Plural of pirogi.
pirogi n. Plural of pirog.
PIROGIESpirogies n. Plural of pirogi.
PIROGI n. (Polish) a dumpling with a filling, also PEROGI, PEROGIE, PEROGY, PIEROGI, PYROGY, PYROHY.
PYROGIESpyrogies n. Plural of pyrogy.
PYROGY n. (Russian) a small dumpling with a filling, also PEROGI, PEROGIE, PEROGY, PIEROGI, PIROGI, PYROHY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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