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There are 20 words containing RNUM

STERNUMsternum n. (Anatomy) The breastbone, consisting of the manubrium, gladiolus, and xiphoid process.
sternum n. (Arachnology) The sclerotized ventral plate of spiders, between the coxae, marking the floor of the cephalothorax.
STERNUM n. (Greek) a long, flat supporting bone of most vertebrates.
ALBURNUMalburnum n. Sapwood; the soft, newer wood in the trunk of a tree found between the bark and the hardened heartwood.
ALBURNUM n. the soft wood between inner bark and heartwood.
LABURNUMlaburnum n. Any tree of genus Laburnum. They have bright yellow flowers and are poisonous.
Laburnum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – laburnums, the golden chains.
LABURNUM n. a genus of ornamental shrubs.
STERNUMSsternums n. Plural of sternum.
STERNUM n. (Greek) a long, flat supporting bone of most vertebrates.
VIBURNUMviburnum n. Any of many shrubs and trees, of the genus Viburnum, native to the Northern Hemisphere that have showy…
Viburnum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Adoxaceae – the viburnums.
VIBURNUM n. (Latin) a kind of shrub or tree including the guelder-rose.
ALBURNUMSalburnums n. Plural of alburnum.
ALBURNUM n. the soft wood between inner bark and heartwood.
LABURNUMSlaburnums n. Plural of laburnum.
LABURNUM n. a genus of ornamental shrubs.
VIBURNUMSviburnums n. Plural of viburnum.
VIBURNUM n. (Latin) a kind of shrub or tree including the guelder-rose.
EPISTERNUMepisternum n. (Anatomy) The upper segment of the sternum.
episternum n. (Entomology) The anterior part of the pleuron of an insect.
EPISTERNUM n. a median bone connected with the sternum.
PRESTERNUMpresternum n. (Anatomy) The anterior segment of the sternum; the manubrium.
PRESTERNUM n. the anterior segment of the sternum.
PROSTERNUMprosternum n. (Zoology) The ventral plate of the prothorax of an insect.
PROSTERNUM n. the sternum of the prothorax of insects.
EPISTERNUMSepisternums n. Plural of episternum.
EPISTERNUM n. a median bone connected with the sternum.
PRESTERNUMSPRESTERNUM n. the anterior segment of the sternum.
PROSTERNUMSPROSTERNUM n. the sternum of the prothorax of insects.
SEMPITERNUMsempiternum n. A durable twilled woollen material.
SEMPITERNUM n. (obsolete) a durable woollen cloth.
SEMPITERNUMSsempiternums n. Plural of sempiternum.
SEMPITERNUM n. (obsolete) a durable woollen cloth.
XIPHISTERNUMxiphisternum n. (Biology, medicine) Synonym of xiphoid process.
XIPHISTERNUM n. the posterior and smallest of the three divisions of the sternum.
SUPERNUMERARYsupernumerary n. A person who works in a group, association, or public office without forming part of the regular staff (the numerary).
supernumerary n. (Film, theater) An extra or walk-on, often non-speaking, in a film or play; a spear carrier.
supernumerary n. Something which is beyond the prescribed or standard amount or number.
XIPHISTERNUMSxiphisternums n. Plural of xiphisternum.
XIPHISTERNUM n. the posterior and smallest of the three divisions of the sternum.
SUPERNUMERARIESsupernumeraries n. Plural of supernumerary.
SUPERNUMERARY n. an actor without a speaking part.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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