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There are 16 words containing RNFU

URNFULurnful n. As much as an urn will hold.
URNFUL n. as much as an urn can hold.
DERNFULdernful adj. (Obsolete) secret; lonely, sad, mournful.
DERNFUL adj. solitary; mournful, also DEARNFUL.
HORNFULhornful n. (Said of a drinking-cup or powder flask) The amount that a horn holds.
HORNFUL n. the capacity of a drinking horn.
URNFULSurnfuls n. Plural of urnful.
URNFUL n. as much as an urn can hold.
DEARNFULdearnful adj. (Obsolete) Alternative form of dernful.
DEARNFUL adj. solitary; mournful, also DERNFUL.
HORNFULShornfuls n. Plural of hornful.
HORNFUL n. the capacity of a drinking horn.
MOURNFULmournful adj. Filled with grief or sadness; being in a state in which one mourns.
mournful adj. Fit to inspire mourning; tragic.
MOURNFUL adj. sad, grieving.
SCORNFULscornful adj. Showing scorn or disrespect; contemptuous.
SCORNFUL adj. expressing contempt.
MOURNFULLYmournfully adv. In a mournful manner; as if in mourning for something.
MOURNFUL adv. sad, grieving.
SCORNFULLYscornfully adv. In a scornful manner.
SCORNFUL adv. expressing contempt.
MOURNFULLERmournfuller adj. Comparative form of mournful: more mournful.
MOURNFUL adj. sad, grieving.
MOURNFULLESTmournfullest adj. Superlative form of mournful: most mournful.
MOURNFUL adj. sad, grieving.
MOURNFULNESSmournfulness n. The property of being mournful.
MOURNFULNESS n. the state of being mournful.
SCORNFULNESSscornfulness n. The quality of being scornful.
SCORNFULNESS n. the state of being scornful.
MOURNFULNESSESmournfulnesses n. Plural of mournfulness.
MOURNFULNESS n. the state of being mournful.
SCORNFULNESSESSCORNFULNESS n. the state of being scornful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • Scrabble in French: no word
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