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There are 16 words containing RMOL

EPIDERMOLYSESEPIDERMOLYSIS n. a state of detachment or loosening of the epidermis.
EPIDERMOLYSISepidermolysis n. (Pathology) A connective tissue disease.
EPIDERMOLYSIS n. a state of detachment or loosening of the epidermis.
FORMOLformol n. (Organic chemistry) A 10% solution of formaldehyde in water.
FORMOL n. a formic aldehyde used as an antiseptic, also FORMALIN.
FORMOLSformols n. Plural of formol.
FORMOL n. a formic aldehyde used as an antiseptic, also FORMALIN.
HARMOLODICharmolodic adj. Of or pertaining to harmolodics.
HARMOLODIC adj. relating to a jazz technique where each musician in a group simultaneously improvising around the melodic and rhythmic patterns in a tune.
HARMOLODICSharmolodics n. (Music) A form of improvized jazz associated with Ornette Coleman.
HARMOLODICS n. a technique in jazz.
INTERMOLECULARintermolecular adj. (Chemistry, physics) from one molecule to another; between molecules.
INTERMOLECULAR adj. between molecules.
ORMOLUormolu n. Golden or gilded brass or bronze used for decorative purposes.
ormolu adj. Made from golden or gilded brass or bronze.
ormolu v. To decorate with gilded ormolu articles.
ORMOLUSormolus n. Plural of ormolu.
ORMOLU n. (French) an alloy of copper, zinc, and sometimes tin, used to imitate gold.
THERMOLABILEthermolabile adj. (Biochemistry) Subject to destruction/decomposition or change in response to heat.
THERMOLABILE adj. easily decomposed by heat.
THERMOLABILITYthermolability n. (Uncountable) The condition of being thermolabile.
thermolability n. (Countable) The extent to which a material is thermolabile.
THERMOLABILITY n. the state of being thermolabile, easily decomposed by heat.
THERMOLOGIESTHERMOLOGY n. the study of heat.
THERMOLOGYthermology n. The scientific study of heat.
thermology n. Imaging of the body by means of infrared radiation.
THERMOLOGY n. the study of heat.
THERMOLYSESthermolyses n. Plural of thermolysis.
thermolyses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of thermolyse.
THERMOLYSIS n. decomposition caused by heat.
THERMOLYSISthermolysis n. (Chemistry) The dissociation or decomposition of a material as a result of being heated.
thermolysis n. (Physiology) The dissipation of heat from the body, especially by evaporation or radiation.
THERMOLYSIS n. decomposition caused by heat.
THERMOLYTICthermolytic adj. Of, pertaining to, or produced by thermolysis.
THERMOLYTIC adj. relating to thermolysis, decomposition caused by heat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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