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There are 12 words containing RKBO

CORKBOARDcorkboard n. Alternative spelling of cork-board.
cork-board n. A kind of strawboard or cardboard in which ground cork is mixed with the paper pulp.
CORKBOARD n. a thin composite board made of cork and resin, used e.g. as insulation.
CORKBOARDScorkboards n. Plural of corkboard.
cork-boards n. Plural of cork-board.
CORKBOARD n. a thin composite board made of cork and resin, used e.g. as insulation.
CORKBORERcorkborer n. Alternative form of cork borer.
cork␣borer n. A laboratory tool for cutting a hole in a cork or rubber stopper to insert glass tubing.
CORKBORER n. an instrument for boring holes in cork to receive glass tubes used in chemistry.
CORKBORERScorkborers n. Plural of corkborer.
cork␣borers n. Plural of cork borer.
CORKBORER n. an instrument for boring holes in cork to receive glass tubes used in chemistry.
WORKBOATworkboat n. A boat used for purposes other than recreation, passenger transport, or combat.
WORKBOAT n. a commercial boat.
WORKBOATSworkboats n. Plural of workboat.
WORKBOAT n. a commercial boat.
WORKBOOKworkbook n. A book, used by a student, in which answers and workings may be entered besides questions and exercises.
workbook n. A book, used by a business, containing a record of work to be done, or work completed.
workbook n. (Computing) A collection of spreadsheets stored in the same file.
WORKBOOKSworkbooks n. Plural of workbook.
WORKBOOK n. a student's exercise book.
WORKBOOTworkboot n. A sturdy boot intended as workwear.
WORKBOOT n. a sturdy leather boot for workers.
WORKBOOTSworkboots n. Plural of workboot.
WORKBOOT n. a sturdy leather boot for workers.
WORKBOXworkbox n. A toolbox; a container for the items needed to carry out a task.
workbox n. (Figurative) A set of skills and approaches.
WORKBOX n. a bag for holding work materials, also WORKBAG.
WORKBOXESworkboxes n. Plural of workbox.
WORKBOX n. a bag for holding work materials, also WORKBAG.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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