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There are 10 words containing RHOI

HAEMORRHOIDhaemorrhoid n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of hemorrhoid.
hæmorrhoid n. Obsolete spelling of hemorrhoid.
HAEMORRHOID n. dilatation of a vein around the anus, also HEMORRHOID.
HAEMORRHOIDALhaemorrhoidal adj. (British spelling) Alternative form of hemorrhoidal.
hæmorrhoidal adj. Obsolete form of hemorrhoidal.
HAEMORRHOIDAL adj. relating to haemorrhoids, also HEMORRHOIDAL.
HAEMORRHOIDShaemorrhoids n. A pathological condition caused by painful masses of dilated veins in swollen anal tissue.
haemorrhoids n. Plural of haemorrhoid.
hæmorrhoids n. Plural of hæmorrhoid.
HEMORRHOIDhemorrhoid n. (Pathology, often in the plural) An engorged, dilated and easily broken varicosity in the perianal area…
HEMORRHOID n. the dilatation of a vein around the anus, piles, also HAEMORRHOID.
HEMORRHOIDALhemorrhoidal adj. Of or relating to hemorrhoids.
HEMORRHOIDAL adj. of or like a haemorrhoid.
HEMORRHOIDAL n. a hemorrhoidal part (as an artery or vein).
HEMORRHOIDALSHEMORRHOIDAL n. a hemorrhoidal part (as an artery or vein).
HEMORRHOIDShemorrhoids n. Plural of hemorrhoid.
HEMORRHOID n. the dilatation of a vein around the anus, piles, also HAEMORRHOID.
RHOICISSUSRhoicissus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Vitaceae – an Afrotropical plant genus.
RHOICISSUS n. a genus of climbing plants, including the grape ivy.
RHOICISSUSESRHOICISSUS n. a genus of climbing plants, including the grape ivy.
SCIRRHOIDscirrhoid adj. Containing or resembling scirrhus.
SCIRRHOID adj. resembling a scirrhus, a hard swelling, also SCIRRHOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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