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There are 18 words containing RFAR

AIRFAREairfare n. The cost or expense of an airplane ticket or trip.
AIRFARE n. the price of a journey on a plane.
CARFAREcarfare n. (US) The passenger fare charged for riding on a streetcar or bus.
CARFARE n. payment for a bus or car ride.
OVERFARoverfar adj. Excessively far.
overfar adv. Excessively far.
OVERFAR adj. too far.
WARFAREwarfare n. The waging of war or armed conflict against an enemy.
warfare n. Military operations of some particular kind e.g. guerrilla warfare.
warfare v. To lead a military life; to carry on continual wars.
AIRFARESairfares n. Plural of airfare.
AIRFARE n. the price of a journey on a plane.
CARFAREScarfares n. Plural of carfare.
CARFARE n. payment for a bus or car ride.
WARFAREDwarfared v. Simple past tense and past participle of warfare.
WARFARE v. to wage war.
WARFARERwarfarer n. One engaged in warfare; a soldier or warrior.
WARFARER n. one engaged in warfare.
WARFARESwarfares n. Plural of warfare.
WARFARE v. to wage war.
WARFARINwarfarin n. (Pharmacology) A coumarin salt, warfarin sodium, found in certain clovers, that retards blood coagulation…
WARFARIN n. a rat poison.
SUPERFARMsuperfarm n. A large commercial farm, as opposed to the traditional smaller farms owned by families.
SUPERFARM n. a very big farm.
WARFARERSwarfarers n. Plural of warfarer.
WARFARER n. one engaged in warfare.
WARFARINGwarfaring v. Present participle of warfare.
warfaring n. Warfare; conflict.
WARFARING n. the business of waging war.
WARFARINSwarfarins n. Plural of warfarin.
WARFARIN n. a rat poison.
BIOWARFAREbiowarfare n. Biological warfare.
SUPERFARMSsuperfarms n. Plural of superfarm.
SUPERFARM n. a very big farm.
WARFARINGSwarfarings n. Plural of warfaring.
WARFARING n. the business of waging war.
BIOWARFARESSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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