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There are 13 words containing RDAC

BERDACHEberdache n. (Anthropology, dated, now offensive) Among Native Americans, a person who identifies with any of a variety…
BERDACHE n. (French) an American Indian transvestite, also BERDASH.
BERDACHESberdaches n. Plural of berdache.
BERDACHE n. (French) an American Indian transvestite, also BERDASH.
MORDACITYmordacity n. The quality of being mordacious; biting severity, or sarcastic quality.
MORDACITY n. the quality of being mordacious, biting.
BERDACHISMberdachism n. (Anthropology, now offensive) The state or practice of being (or of there being individuals who are)…
LARDACEOUSlardaceous adj. Resembling lard.
LARDACEOUS adj. of or like lard.
MORDACIOUSmordacious adj. Biting, causing a physical bite or sting; corrosive.
mordacious adj. Sharp or caustic in style or tone.
mordacious adj. Prone to biting, aggressive (Of an animal etc.).
BERDACHISMSSorry, definition not available.
HYPERDACTYLHYPERDACTYL adj. having more than five fingers or toes.
MORDACITIESmordacities n. Plural of mordacity.
MORDACITY n. the quality of being mordacious, biting.
HYPERDACTYLYhyperdactyly n. (Pathology) polydactyly.
HYPERDACTYLY n. the state of having more than five fingers and toes.
MORDACIOUSLYmordaciously adv. In a mordacious manner.
MORDACIOUS adv. given to biting; biting in quality.
HYPERDACTYLIEShyperdactylies n. Plural of hyperdactyly.
HYPERDACTYLY n. the state of having more than five fingers and toes.
MORDACIOUSNESSMORDACIOUS n. given to biting; biting in quality.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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