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There are 10 words containing RCIB

COERCIBLEcoercible adj. Susceptible to coercion.
COERCIBLE adj. capable of being coerced.
COERCIBLYcoercibly adv. (Uncommon, possibly erroneous) Coercively; in a way that is coercive; by coercion.
coercibly adv. (Rare, possibly erroneous) As a result of coercion; having been coerced; in a coerced manner.
COERCIBLE adv. capable of being coerced.
FORCIBILITIESFORCIBILITY n. the quality of being forcible.
FORCIBILITYforcibility n. The condition of being forcible.
FORCIBILITY n. the quality of being forcible.
FORCIBLEforcible adj. Done by force, forced.
forcible adj. (Rare or obsolete) Having (physical) force, forceful.
forcible adj. Having a powerful effect; forceful, telling, strong, convincing, effective.
FORCIBLENESSforcibleness n. The quality of being forcible.
FORCIBLENESS n. the state of being forcible.
FORCIBLENESSESFORCIBLENESS n. the state of being forcible.
FORCIBLYforcibly adv. In a forcible manner, by force, against one’s will.
forcibly adv. In a forcible manner, with force, with powerful effect, powerfully, strongly.
FORCIBLE adv. having force.
INCOERCIBLEincoercible adj. Not to be coerced; incapable of being compelled or forced.
incoercible adj. (Physics, of a gas) Not capable of being reduced to liquid form by pressure.
incoercible adj. (Physics, archaic) That cannot be confined in, or excluded from, vessels, like ordinary fluids, gases…
UNFORCIBLEunforcible adj. (Archaic) Without strength.
UNFORCIBLE adj. that cannot be forced.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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