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There are 18 words containing RAYA

RAYAraya n. Alternative form of rayah.
Raya prop.n. A surname.
Raya n. (Malaysia, informal) Ellipsis of Hari Raya Aidilfitri., Eid al-Fitr, the Muslim festival that marks…
RAYAHrayah n. (Derogatory) A member of the tax-paying lower class of Ottoman society.
RAYAH n. (Arabic) a non-Muslim inhabitant of Turkey, also RAIA, RAYA.
RAYASrayas n. Plural of raya.
Rayas prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
Rayas prop.n. Plural of Raya.
PIRAYApiraya n. Archaic form of piranha.
PIRAYA n. (Tupi) a ferocious, carnivorous South American fish, also PIRANHA, PERAI, PIRAI, PIRANA.
RAYAHSrayahs n. Plural of rayah.
RAYAH n. (Arabic) a non-Muslim inhabitant of Turkey, also RAIA, RAYA.
ARRAYALarrayal n. (Archaic) The way something is arrayed or laid out.
ARRAYAL n. the act of arraying.
DRAYAGEdrayage n. Transportation by dray.
drayage n. (By extension) The transport of goods over a short distance, particularly from a terminal such as an…
drayage n. A fee paid for the provision of such transportation.
PIRAYASpirayas n. Plural of piraya.
PIRAYA n. (Tupi) a ferocious, carnivorous South American fish, also PIRANHA, PERAI, PIRAI, PIRANA.
ARRAYALSarrayals n. Plural of arrayal.
ARRAYAL n. the act of arraying.
BETRAYALbetrayal n. The act of betraying.
BETRAYAL n. the act of betraying.
DEFRAYALdefrayal n. The act of defraying.
DEFRAYAL n. the payment of charges, also DEFRAYMENT.
DRAYAGESdrayages n. Plural of drayage.
DRAYAGE n. transportation by dray.
BETRAYALSbetrayals n. Plural of betrayal.
BETRAYAL n. the act of betraying.
DEFRAYALSdefrayals n. Plural of defrayal.
DEFRAYAL n. the payment of charges, also DEFRAYMENT.
PORTRAYALportrayal n. The act of portraying.
portrayal n. The result of portraying; a representation, description, or portrait.
PORTRAYAL n. the act of portraying.
DEFRAYABLEdefrayable adj. Capable of being defrayed.
DEFRAYABLE adj. that can be defrayed.
PORTRAYALSportrayals n. Plural of portrayal.
PORTRAYAL n. the act of portraying.
PORTRAYABLEportrayable adj. Capable of being portrayed.
PORTRAYABLE adj. that can be portrayed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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