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There are 13 words containing RAEC

GRAECISEgraecise v. Alternative form of Grecize.
Graecise v. Alternative form of Grecize.
GRAECISE v. to provide with a Greek style, also GRECISE, GRECIZE, GRAECIZE.
GRAECISEDgraecised v. Simple past tense and past participle of graecise.
Graecised v. Simple past tense and past participle of Graecise.
GRAECISE v. to provide with a Greek style, also GRECISE, GRECIZE, GRAECIZE.
GRAECISESgraecises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of graecise.
Graecises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Graecise.
GRAECISE v. to provide with a Greek style, also GRECISE, GRECIZE, GRAECIZE.
GRAECISINGgraecising v. Present participle of graecise.
Graecising v. Present participle of Graecise.
GRAECISE v. to provide with a Greek style, also GRECISE, GRECIZE, GRAECIZE.
GRAECIZEgraecize v. Alternative form of Grecize.
Graecize v. Alternative form of Grecize.
GRAECIZE v. to provide with a Greek style, also GRECISE, GRECIZE, GRAECISE.
GRAECIZEDgraecized v. Simple past tense and past participle of graecize.
Graecized v. Simple past tense and past participle of Graecize.
GRAECIZE v. to provide with a Greek style, also GRECISE, GRECIZE, GRAECISE.
GRAECIZESgraecizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of graecize.
Graecizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Graecize.
GRAECIZE v. to provide with a Greek style, also GRECISE, GRECIZE, GRAECISE.
GRAECIZINGgraecizing v. Present participle of graecize.
Graecizing v. Present participle of Graecize.
GRAECIZE v. to provide with a Greek style, also GRECISE, GRECIZE, GRAECISE.
PRAECIPEpraecipe n. (Law) A writ demanding action, or requiring a reason for neglecting it.
praecipe n. (Law) A request to a court to issue process.
PRAECIPE n. (Latin) a writ commanding something to be done, or requiring a reason for neglecting it, also PRECIPE.
PRAECIPESpraecipes n. Plural of praecipe.
PRAECIPE n. (Latin) a writ commanding something to be done, or requiring a reason for neglecting it, also PRECIPE.
PRAECOCESpraecoces n. (Zoology) Alternative form of precoces (“precocial birds”).
PRAECOCES n. (Latin) a division of birds including those whose young are able to run about when first hatched.
PRAECOCIALpraecocial adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the Praecoces.
PRAECOCIAL adj. of or relating to birds whose young are hatched with a covering of down and can leave the nest at once to seek food, also PRECOCIAL.
PRAECORDIALpraecordial adj. Alternative form of precordial.
præcordial adj. Obsolete form of precordial.
PRAECORDIAL adj. in front of the heart, also PRECORDIAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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