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There are 20 words containing RACL

ORACLEoracle n. A shrine dedicated to some prophetic deity.
oracle n. A person such as a priest through whom the deity is supposed to respond with prophecy or advice.
oracle n. A prophetic response, often enigmatic or allegorical, so given.
CORACLEcoracle n. (Nautical) A small circular or oblong boat made of wickerwork and made watertight with hides or pitch…
CORACLE n. (Welsh) a small boat made of wickerwork covered with watertight material, also CURAGH, CURRACH, CURRAGH.
MIRACLEmiracle n. An event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin.
miracle n. A fortunate outcome that prevails despite overwhelming odds against it.
miracle n. An awesome and exceptional example of something.
ORACLEDoracled v. Simple past tense and past participle of oracle.
ORACLE v. to utter as an oracle.
ORACLESoracles n. Plural of oracle.
oracles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of oracle.
ORACLE v. to utter as an oracle.
RACLOIRracloir n. (Archeology) A prehistoric flint scraper.
RACLOIR n. (French) a scraper.
CORACLEScoracles n. Plural of coracle.
CORACLE n. (Welsh) a small boat made of wickerwork covered with watertight material, also CURAGH, CURRACH, CURRAGH.
MIRACLESmiracles n. Plural of miracle.
miracles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of miracle.
MIRACLE n. an event ascribed to supernatural or divine origin.
ORACLINGoracling v. Present participle of oracle.
ORACLE v. to utter as an oracle.
RACLETTEraclette n. A dish, of Swiss origin, similar to a fondue, consisting of melted cheese traditionally served on boiled…
raclette n. A firm cheese suitable for use in this dish.
RACLETTE n. (French) a dish made from melted cheese and potatoes.
RACLOIRSracloirs n. Plural of racloir.
RACLOIR n. (French) a scraper.
SPIRACLEspiracle n. A pore or opening used (especially by arthropods and some fish) for respiration.
spiracle n. The blowhole of a whale, dolphin or other similar species.
spiracle n. Any small aperture or vent for air or other fluid.
PARACLETEparaclete n. An advocate or helper.
paraclete n. Alternative letter-case form of Paraclete, the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost.
Paraclete prop.n. (Christianity) The Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, especially in its role as comforter of the faithful.
RACLETTESraclettes n. Plural of raclette.
RACLETTE n. (French) a dish made from melted cheese and potatoes.
SPIRACLESspiracles n. Plural of spiracle.
SPIRACLE n. an orifice through which breathing occurs.
INFRACLASSinfraclass n. (Taxonomy) A zoological classification sometimes inserted below subclass and above subterclass (rarely…
PARACLETESparacletes n. Plural of paraclete.
PARACLETE n. (Greek) an advocate or intercessor; the Holy Spirit acting in such a role.
ULTRACLEANultraclean adj. Exceptionally clean.
ULTRACLEAN adj. very very clean.
INFRACLASSESinfraclasses n. Plural of infraclass.
CONTRACLOCKWISEcontraclockwise adv. Counterclockwise.
contraclockwise adj. Counterclockwise.
CONTRACLOCKWISE adv. anticlockwise.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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