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There are 18 nine-letter words containing RSON

ARSONISTSarsonists n. Plural of arsonist.
ARSONIST n. one who maliciously lights fires, also ARSONITE.
ARSONITESarsonites n. Plural of arsonite.
ARSONITE n. one who maliciously lights fires, also ARSONIST.
BARPERSONbarperson n. Someone who works in a bar, a bartender.
BARPERSON n. one who serves in a bar.
LAYPERSONlayperson n. A person who is not a cleric.
layperson n. One who is not intimately familiar with a given subject or activity.
lay␣person n. Alternative form of layperson.
NONPERSONnonperson n. Not a real person; a subhuman.
nonperson n. Not a legal entity.
nonperson n. Something other than a person; an object.
PARSONAGEparsonage n. The residence of the minister of a parish.
parsonage n. (Obsolete) The house, lands, tithes, etc. set apart for the support of the minister of a parish.
PARSONAGE n. the home of a parson.
PARSONISHparsonish adj. (Colloquial, derogatory) Like, or befitting, a parson.
PARSONISH adj. appropriate to, or like, a parson.
PERSONAGEpersonage n. A person, especially one who is famous or important.
personage n. The creation of corporate persons named after living people. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
personage n. Character represented; external appearance; persona.
PERSONALSpersonals n. Plural of personal.
personals n. (Rare) Personal matters; matters which are peculiar or proper to private concerns.
PERSONAL n. an advertisement or notice in the personal column of a newspaper.
PERSONATEpersonate v. (Transitive) To fraudulently portray another person; to impersonate.
personate v. (Transitive) To portray a character (as in a play); to act.
personate v. (Transitive) To attribute personal characteristics to something; to personify.
PERSONIFYpersonify v. (Transitive) To be an example of; to have all the attributes of.
personify v. (Transitive) To create a representation of (an abstract quality) in the form of a character or persona.
PERSONIFY v. to be the embodiment of.
PERSONISEpersonise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of personize.
PERSONISE v. to personify, also PERSONIZE.
PERSONIZEpersonize v. (Archaic) To personify.
PERSONIZE v. to personify, also PERSONISE.
PERSONNELpersonnel n. Collection of people in an organization, such as employees and office staff, members of the military, etc.
personnel n. (Uncountable) A human resources department.
PERSONNEL n. the persons employed in any service.
SQUARSONSsquarsons n. Plural of squarson.
SQUARSON n. a clergyman who is also a squire or landowner in his parish.
UNDERSONGundersong n. An accompanying sound or strain; an accompaniment.
undersong n. (Figuratively) Subordinate and underlying idea, meaning or atmosphere; undertone.
undersong n. (Obsolete) The burden of a song; the chorus; the refrain.
UNPERSONSunpersons n. Plural of unperson.
UNPERSON v. to make someone into an unperson.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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