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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing RRID

BOURRIDESbourrides n. Plural of bourride.
BOURRIDE n. (French) a fish dish from Provence.
CORRIDORScorridors n. Plural of corridor.
CORRIDOR n. a narrow hallway.
HARRIDANSharridans n. Plural of harridan.
HARRIDAN n. a sharp-tongued woman.
HORRIDESThorridest adj. Superlative form of horrid: most horrid.
HORRID adj. nasty, repellent.
IRRIDENTAirridenta n. A region that has ethnic or historic ties to a political entity (such as a country) other than the one that rules it.
IRRIDENTA n. (Italian) a region containing people ethnically related to the inhabitants of one State but politically subject to another, also IRREDENTA.
OVERRIDERoverrider n. One who or that which overrides.
OVERRIDER n. either of two projecting pieces fitted to the bumper of a motor vehicle for extra protection to the bodywork.
OVERRIDESoverrides v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of override.
overrides n. Plural of override.
OVERRIDE v. to ride over.
PARRIDGESPARRIDGE n. (Scots) a soft meal of oatmeal, also PORRIDGE, PARRITCH.
PORRIDGESporridges n. Plural of porridge.
PORRIDGE n. a soft meal of oatmeal, also PARRIDGE, PARRITCH.
SUBTORRIDsubtorrid adj. Nearly torrid.
SUBTORRID adj. nearly torrid.
TORRIDESTtorridest adj. Superlative form of torrid: most torrid.
TORRID adj. extremely hot.
TORRIDITYtorridity n. The property of being torrid.
TORRIDITY n. torridness.
VIVERRIDSviverrids n. Plural of viverrid.
VIVERRID n. (Latin) a member of the ferret or civet family, also VIVERRA, VIVERRINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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