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There are 12 nine-letter words containing RIPE

CIRRIPEDEcirripede n. Alternative spelling of cirriped.
CIRRIPEDE n. a barnacle or other parasitic marine crustacean, also CIRRHIPEDE, CIRRIPED.
CIRRIPEDScirripeds n. Plural of cirriped.
CIRRIPED n. a barnacle or other parasitic marine crustacean, also CIRRHIPEDE, CIRRIPEDE.
OVERRIPENoverripen v. To ripen too much; to become overripe.
OVERRIPEN v. to become too ripe.
PERIPETIAperipetia n. Alternative form of peripeteia.
PERIPETIA n. (Greek) a sudden and violent change in circumstances, esp. in drama, also PERIPETEIA, PERIPETY.
PINSTRIPEpinstripe n. A very thin stripe on a fabric.
pinstripe n. Such a fabric.
pinstripe n. A suit made of such fabric.
RARERIPESrareripes n. Plural of rareripe.
rare-ripes n. Plural of rare-ripe.
RARERIPE n. a fruit that ripens early, also RATHERIPE, RATHRIPE.
RATHERIPEratheripe n. (UK, dialect) A variety of apple that ripens early.
RATHERIPE n. a fruit that ripens early, also RARERIPE, RATHRIPE.
RATHRIPESrathripes n. Plural of rathripe.
RATHRIPE n. a fruit that ripens early, also RARERIPE, RATHERIPE.
TRIPERIEStriperies n. Plural of tripery.
TRIPERY n. a place that sells or processes tripe.
UNDERRIPEunderripe adj. Insufficiently ripe for harvesting or eating.
under-ripe adj. Alternative spelling of underripe.
UNDERRIPE adj. insufficiently ripe.
UNRIPENEDunripened adj. Not ripened; still unripe.
UNRIPENED adj. not ripened.
UNSTRIPEDunstriped adj. Not striped.
UNSTRIPED adj. not striped.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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