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There are 19 nine-letter words containing REFL

FIREFLIESfireflies n. Plural of firefly.
fire-flies n. Plural of fire-fly.
FIREFLY n. any of various nocturnal insects which emit phosphorescent light.
FIREFLOATfirefloat n. A fireboat.
FIREFLOAT n. a boat or raft used in harbours for extinguishing fires.
FIREFLOODFIREFLOOD n. a method of extracting oil from a well by burning some of the oil to increase the flow.
PREFLIGHTpreflight adj. Taking place before the start of a flight.
preflight adj. (Computing) Serving to confirm that requests can be accepted, before sending an actual request.
preflight n. An inspection of an aircraft before the start of a flight.
REFLAGGEDreflagged v. Simple past tense and past participle of reflag.
REFLAG v. to change the flag.
REFLATINGreflating v. Present participle of reflate.
REFLATE v. to inflate again.
REFLATIONreflation n. (Economics) The act of restoring a deflated general level of prices to a previous or desired level.
REFLATION n. an increase in amount of economic activity and spending.
REFLECTEDreflected v. Simple past tense and past participle of reflect.
reflected adj. Bent or sent back (especially of incident sound or light).
REFLECT v. to be mirrored.
REFLECTERreflecter n. Alternative form of reflector.
REFLECTER n. (Swift) a person who casts reflections.
REFLECTORreflector n. Something which reflects heat, light or sound, especially something having a reflecting surface.
reflector n. A reflecting telescope.
reflector n. A small, often red, reflecting disk on the rear of a vehicle or bicycle that reflects the headlights…
REFLEXINGreflexing v. Present participle of reflex.
REFLEX v. to bend back.
REFLEXIONreflexion n. Dated spelling of reflection.
REFLEXION n. the act of reflexing, bending back.
REFLEXIVEreflexive adj. (Grammar) Referring back to the subject, or having an object equal to the subject.
reflexive adj. (Mathematics) Of a relation R on a set S, such that xRx for all members x of S (that is, the relation…
reflexive adj. Of or resulting from a reflex.
REFLOATEDrefloated v. Simple past tense and past participle of refloat.
REFLOAT v. to float again.
REFLOODEDreflooded v. Simple past tense and past participle of reflood.
REFLOOD v. to flood again.
REFLOWERSreflowers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reflower.
REFLOWER v. to flower again.
REFLOWINGreflowing v. Present participle of reflow.
reflowing n. A flowing again or back.
REFLOWING n. the act of reflowing.
REFLUENCErefluence n. The quality of being refluent; a flowing back.
REFLUENCE n. a flowing back, ebb, also REFLUX.
REFLUXINGrefluxing v. Present participle of reflux.
refluxing n. An act of boiling with a reflux condenser.
REFLUX v. to cause to flow back.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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