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There are 18 nine-letter words containing RCAS

ANASARCASanasarcas n. Plural of anasarca.
ANASARCA n. (Greek) dropsy of the subcutaneous cellular tissue.
CARCASINGCARCASE v. to put a carcase or frame on, also CARCASS.
CARCASSEDCARCASS v. to put a framework on, also CARCASE.
CARCASSEScarcasses n. Plural of carcass.
CARCASS v. to put a framework on, also CARCASE.
COLORCASTcolorcast n. (Photography) An undesirable tint of color affecting another color in a photograph, due to incorrect balance.
colorcast v. (Dated) To broadcast television in color.
COLORCAST v. to broadcast in colour, also COLOURCAST.
CORCASSEScorcasses n. Plural of corcass.
CORCASS n. (Irish) in Ireland, a salt-marsh, or land susceptible to flooding by a river.
CYBERCASTcybercast n. (Internet) A broadcast of audiovisual material over the Internet.
cybercast v. To broadcast a cybercast.
CYBERCAST n. a broadcast over the Internet.
DOORCASESdoorcases n. Plural of doorcase.
DOORCASE n. the frame of a door.
GEARCASESgearcases n. Plural of gearcase.
gear␣cases n. Plural of gear case.
GEARCASE n. a casing for gears.
LOWERCASElowercase n. Alternative spelling of lower case.
lowercase adj. In lower case.
lowercase v. (Transitive) To convert (text) to lower case.
MARCASITEmarcasite n. (Mineralogy) The orthorhombic form of iron disulfide, FeS2, occurring as yellow crystals.
marcasite n. (Jewelry) Pyrite.
marcasite n. (Historical) Any of various metal sulfides, usually iron sulfide minerals.
OVERCASTSovercasts n. Plural of overcast.
overcasts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overcast.
OVERCAST v. to sew stitches over a raw edge; to cover with stitches.
SARCASTICsarcastic adj. Containing sarcasm.
sarcastic adj. (Of a person) Having the personality trait of expressing sarcasm.
SARCASTIC adj. showing sarcasm, scornful.
SMEARCASEsmearcase n. (US, Pennsylvania, especially Pennsylvania Dutch English) Cottage cheese.
smear-case n. Alternative form of smearcase.
smear␣case n. Alternative form of smearcase.
SMIERCASEsmiercase n. Alternative form of smear case.
SMIERCASE n. (German) cottage cheese, also SMEARCASE.
STAIRCASEstaircase n. A flight of stairs; a stairway.
staircase n. A connected set of flights of stairs; a stairwell.
staircase n. A set of locks (enclosed sections of waterway) mounted one above the next.
UNDERCASTundercast n. (Meteorology) An unbroken or nearly unbroken cloud layer below the point of observation.
undercast n. (Mining) An air-passage crossing a road in a mine by means of an airtight box or channel beneath it.
undercast v. To allocate the parts in (a play or film) to insufficiently skilled actors.
UPPERCASEuppercase adj. Written in upper case; capital.
uppercase n. Alternative spelling of upper case.
uppercase v. (Transitive) To convert (text) to upper case.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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