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There are 14 nine-letter words containing RAGI

ANTITRAGIantitragi n. Plural of antitragus.
ANTITRAGUS n. a prominence of the external ear, opposite the tragus.
AVERAGINGaveraging v. Present participle of average.
averaging n. The process of computing an average.
AVERAGING n. the act of taking an average.
BARRAGINGbarraging v. Present participle of barrage.
BARRAGE v. to subject to a massive attack.
FRAGILELYfragilely adv. In a fragile way or manner.
FRAGILE adv. easily broken.
FRAGILESTfragilest adj. Superlative form of fragile: most fragile.
FRAGILE adj. easily broken.
FRAGILITYfragility n. The condition or quality of being fragile; brittleness; frangibility.
fragility n. Weakness; feebleness.
fragility n. (Obsolete) Liability to error and sin; frailty.
GARAGIESTGARAGEY adj. in the garage style of music.
GARAGINGSgaragings n. Plural of garaging.
GARAGING n. the placing of a vehicle in a garage.
GARAGISTEGARAGISTE n. a garage proprietor or owner, also GARAGIST.
GARAGISTSgaragists n. Plural of garagist.
GARAGIST n. a garage proprietor or owner, also GARAGISTE.
MARAGINGSMARAGING n. a process by which an alloy is slowly cooled in the air.
NONTRAGICnontragic adj. (Literature) Not tragic.
NONTRAGIC adj. not tragic.
OUTRAGINGoutraging v. Present participle of outrage.
outraging n. (Archaic) The committing of an outrage.
OUTRAGE v. to arouse anger or resentment in.
UMBRAGINGumbraging v. Present participle of umbrage.
UMBRAGE v. to offend.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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