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There are 14 eight-letter words containing RRID

ARRIDINGarriding v. Present participle of arride.
ARRIDE v. (archaic) to please, to gratify.
BOURRIDEbourride n. A dish made with monkfish, mayonnaise, and a vegetable brunoise.
BOURRIDE n. (French) a fish dish from Provence.
CORRIDAScorridas n. Plural of corrida.
CORRIDA n. (Spanish) a bullfight.
CORRIDORcorridor n. A narrow hall or passage with rooms leading off it, as in a building or in a railway carriage.
corridor n. A restricted tract of land that allows passage between two places.
corridor n. (Military, historical, rare) The covered way lying round the whole compass of the fortifications of a place.
HARRIDANharridan n. A vicious and scolding woman, especially an older one.
HARRIDAN n. a sharp-tongued woman.
HORRIDERhorrider adj. Comparative form of horrid: more horrid.
HORRID adj. nasty, repellent.
HORRIDLYhorridly adv. In a horrid manner.
HORRID adv. nasty, repellent.
OVERRIDEoverride v. To ride across or beyond something.
override v. To ride over the top of something, usually forcibly.
override v. To ride a horse too hard.
PARRIDGEPARRIDGE n. (Scots) a soft meal of oatmeal, also PORRIDGE, PARRITCH.
PORRIDGEporridge n. A dish made of grain or legumes, milk and/or water, heated and stirred until thick and typically eaten for breakfast.
porridge n. (Britain, slang) A prison sentence.
porridge n. (Rare) A type of thick soup or stew, especially thickened with barley.
PORRIDGYporridgy adj. Resembling porridge.
PORRIDGY adj. resembling porridge.
TORRIDERtorrider adj. Comparative form of torrid: more torrid.
TORRID adj. extremely hot.
TORRIDLYtorridly adv. In a torrid manner.
TORRID adv. extremely hot.
VIVERRIDviverrid n. (Zoology) Any member of the family Viverridae.
VIVERRID n. (Latin) a member of the ferret or civet family, also VIVERRA, VIVERRINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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