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There are 18 eight-letter words containing ROTT

CROTTLEScrottles n. (Scotland) Various lichens gathered for dyeing.
CROTTLE n. (Gaelic) a golden-brown lichen used for dyeing, also CROTAL.
FROTTAGEfrottage v. To rub, especially to rub onto one surface placed upon another surface that is textured, in order to…
frottage v. (Sexology) To rub parts of the body against those of another person for sexual stimulation.
frottage n. (Uncountable, art) A method of making an image by placing a piece of paper against an object and then…
FROTTEURfrotteur n. One who commits an act of frotteurism.
FROTTEUR n. (French) the active participant in frottage, in the sexual sense.
GAROTTEDgarotted v. Simple past tense and past participle of garotte.
GAROTTE v. to execute by strangling, also GARROTE, GAROTE, GARROTTE.
GAROTTERgarotter n. Alternative spelling of garrotter.
GAROTTER n. one who executes by strangling, also GARROTER.
GAROTTESgarottes n. Plural of garotte.
GAROTTE v. to execute by strangling, also GARROTE, GAROTE, GARROTTE.
GARROTTEgarrotte n. A cord, wire or similar used for strangulation.
garrotte n. (Historical) An iron collar formerly used in Spain to execute people by strangulation.
garrotte v. (Transitive) To execute by strangulation.
GROTTIERgrottier adj. Comparative form of grotty: more grotty.
GROTTY adj. wretchedly shabby; of a poor quality.
GROTTOEDgrottoed adj. Furnished with grottos.
GROTTOED adj. having a grotto.
GROTTOESgrottoes n. Plural of grotto.
Grottoes prop.n. A town in Virginia.
GROTTO n. a cave.
ROTTENERrottener adj. Comparative form of rotten: more rotten.
ROTTEN adj. very bad, rotted, also RATTON, ROTTAN.
ROTTENLYrottenly adv. In a rotten manner.
ROTTEN adv. very bad, rotted, also RATTON, ROTTAN.
THROTTLEthrottle n. A valve that regulates the supply of fuel-air mixture to an internal combustion engine and thus controls…
throttle n. The lever or pedal that controls this valve.
throttle n. (Anatomy, archaic) The windpipe or trachea.
TROTTERStrotters n. Plural of trotter.
Trotters n. Plural of Trotter.
TROTTER n. a foot, esp. of a sheep or pig.
TROTTINGtrotting adj. Of an animal that trots.
trotting n. The action of the verb trot.
trotting v. Present participle of trot.
TROTTOIRtrottoir n. A paved path, for the use of pedestrians, located at the side of a road.
TROTTOIR n. (French) pavement.
UNROTTEDunrotted adj. Not having rotted.
UNROTTED adj. not rotted.
UNROTTENunrotten adj. Not rotten.
UNROTTEN adj. not rotten.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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