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There are 19 eight-letter words containing ROPS

AIRDROPSairdrops n. Plural of airdrop.
airdrops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of airdrop.
air-drops n. Plural of air-drop.
CALTROPScaltrops n. Plural of caltrop.
CALTROP n. a device with four metal points so arranged so that one points upward as a hazard, also CALTHROP, CALTRAP.
CROPSICKcropsick adj. (Obsolete) Sick in the stomach, especially from excess in eating or drinking.
CROPSICK adj. sick from overeating.
DEWDROPSdewdrops n. Plural of dewdrop.
dew␣drops n. Plural of dew drop.
DEWDROP n. a drop of dew.
DROPSEEDdropseed n. Any member of the genus Sporobolus of bunchgrasses.
DROPSEED n. a type of grass.
DROPSHOTdropshot n. Alternative form of drop shot.
drop␣shot n. (Sports) In sports such as badminton, squash, tennis and volleyball, a lightly-struck shot that just lands into play.
drop␣shot n. (Golf) A downward chopping shot used to extract a ball that lies deep in the grass.
DROPSIEDdropsied adj. Diseased with dropsy (edema).
DROPSIED adj. (Shakespeare) diseased with dropsy.
DROPSIESdropsies n. Plural of dropsy.
DROPSY n. unnatural accumulation of serous fluid.
EARDROPSeardrops n. Plural of eardrop.
ear␣drops n. A liquid medical product in a small bottle, which can be inserted into the ear using a dropper (usually…
EARDROP n. a pendant for the ear.
EYEDROPSeyedrops n. Plural of eyedrop.
eye-drops n. A saline liquid, used to administer medication to the eye.
eye␣drops n. Plural of eye drop.
GUMDROPSgumdrops n. Plural of gumdrop.
GUMDROP n. a type of chewy candy.
HYDROPSYhydropsy n. (Dated) Edema, dropsy.
HYDROPSY n. (archaic) dropsy, also HYDROPS.
NECROPSYnecropsy n. (Medicine) The pathological examination of a corpse, particularly to determine cause of death.
necropsy v. The act of performing a necropsy.
NECROPSY v. to perform an autopsy on.
OUTCROPSoutcrops n. Plural of outcrop.
OUTCROP v. to protrude above the soil.
OUTDROPSOUTDROP v. to surpass in dropping.
PANDROPSpan␣drops n. Plural of pan drop.
PANDROP n. (Scots) a hard mint-flavoured sweet.
PITPROPSpitprops n. Plural of pitprop.
pit␣props n. Plural of pit prop.
PITPROP n. a timber support in a coalmine.
SUNDROPSsundrops n. Evening primrose.
SUNDROPS n. an American evening primrose with flowers that open at sunset.
WARDROPSWardrops prop.n. Plural of Wardrop.
WARDROP n. (Milton) a wardrobe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 61 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 22 words

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