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There are 17 eight-letter words containing ROLI

ACROLITHacrolith n. (Historical) An ancient Greek wooden statue furnished with a rupestral head and limbs.
ACROLITH n. (Greek) a statue with a wooden trunk and stone head and extremities.
AEROLITEaerolite n. A meteorite consisting of silicate minerals.
AEROLITE n. a meteorite.
AEROLITHaerolith n. (Chiefly historical) A meteorite.
AEROLITH n. a meteorite.
CAROLINGcaroling v. (US) present participle of carol.
caroling n. A singing of carols.
CAROLING n. singing carols, also CAROLLING.
FAROLITOfarolito n. Small paper lantern, especially in northern New Mexico, United States.
FAROLITO n. a paper lantern used by Hispanic people in Christmas processions.
FROLICKYfrolicky adj. (Obsolete) frolicsome.
FROLICKY adj. frolicsome.
GYROLITEgyrolite n. (Mineralogy) A hexagonal-pyramidal mineral containing aluminum, calcium, hydrogen, oxygen, silicon, and sodium.
GYROLITE n. a mineral, hydrated calcium silicate.
NITROLICnitrolic adj. Of or pertaining to nitrolic acid.
NITROLIC adj. pertaining to a class of acids.
PAROLINGparoling v. Present participle of parole.
PAROLE v. to give a conditional release of a prisoner.
PETROLICpetrolic adj. Of or pertaining to petroleum.
PETROLIC adj. derived from petroleum.
PROLIFICprolific adj. Fertile; producing offspring or fruit in abundance — applied to plants producing fruit, animals producing…
prolific adj. Similarly producing results or performing deeds in abundance.
prolific adj. (Botany) Of a flower: from which another flower is produced.
PROLINESprolines n. Plural of proline.
PROLINE n. an amino acid commonly occurring in proteins.
PROLIXLYprolixly adv. In a prolix manner.
PROLIX adv. tediously long and wordy.
PYROLIZEpyrolize v. (Transitive, intransitive) To perform or undergo pyrolysis.
PYROLIZE v. to decompose by heating, also PYROLISE, PYROLYSE, PYROLYZE.
PYRROLICpyrrolic adj. (Organic chemistry) Pertaining to, or having a structure based on, a pyrrole.
PYRROLIC adj. of or like pyrrole, a colourless toxic liquid found in many naturally occurring compounds.
UROLITHSuroliths n. Plural of urolith.
UROLITH n. a small stone or calculus in the urinary tract.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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