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There are 12 eight-letter words containing ROLE

ACROLECTacrolect n. (Sociolinguistics) The variety of speech that is considered most suitable for formal occasions (typically…
ACROLECT n. a variety of language closest to the prestige form.
ACROLEINacrolein n. (Organic chemistry) A pungent, acrid, poisonous liquid aldehyde, CH2=CH-CH=O, made by the destructive…
ACROLEIN n. a flammable liquid, an aldehyde of allyl alcohol.
AMITROLEamitrole n. (Organic chemistry) The heterocyclic amine 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole that is used as a nonselective systemic…
AMITROLE n. a kind of herbicide.
CAROLERScarolers n. Plural of caroler.
CAROLER n. one who sings joyously, also CAROLLER.
CONTROLECONTROLE adj. (French) registered, hallmarked.
ESCAROLEescarole n. (Canada, US) A subspecies or variety of broad-leaved endive (Cichorium endivia subsp. endivia, syn…
ESCAROLE n. (French) a wavy-leafed salad plant of the endive family.
FUMAROLEfumarole n. An opening in the ground that emits steam and gases due to volcanic activity.
FUMAROLE n. a hole which emits volcanic vapours, also FUMEROLE.
FUMEROLEfumerole n. Alternative form of fumarole.
FUMEROLE n. a hole in a volcanic region from which hot gases and vapors issue, also FUMAROLE.
FUSAROLEfusarole n. (Architecture) A moulding generally placed under the echinus or quarter round of capitals in the Doric…
FUSAROLE n. (French) a semicircular moulding around a column, also FUSAROL.
PAROLEESparolees n. Plural of parolee.
PAROLEE n. one who is paroled.
PYRROLESpyrroles n. Plural of pyrrole.
PYRROLE n. a colourless toxic liquid found in many naturally occurring compounds, e.g. chlorophyll, also PYRROL.
SAFROLESsafroles n. Plural of safrole.
SAFROLE n. a colourless oily liquid obtained from sassafras and used in perfumes, soaps etc., also SAFROL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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