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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing RLOC

AIRLOCKSairlocks n. Plural of airlock.
air␣locks n. Plural of air lock.
AIRLOCK n. an obstructing bubble in a pipe.
CARLOCKSCarlocks prop.n. Plural of Carlock.
CARLOCK n. Russian isinglass, made from the air bladder of the sturgeon, and used in clarifying wine.
CHARLOCKcharlock n. Any of several yellow-flowered cruciferous weeds of grain fields, especially wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis).
CHARLOCK n. a weedy plant with yellow flowers.
EARLOCKSearlocks n. Plural of earlock.
EARLOCK n. a curl of hair near the ear.
HAIRLOCKhairlock n. A lock of hair.
HAIRLOCK n. a lock of hair.
OARLOCKSoarlocks n. Plural of oarlock.
OARLOCK n. a device for holding an oar in place.
OVERLOCKoverlock n. (Sewing) A stitch that sews over the edge of one or two pieces of cloth for edging, hemming or seaming.
overlock v. (Sewing) To stitch in this manner.
overlock v. (Transitive) To make the bolt of a lock go too far.
PORLOCKSPORLOCK v. to hinder by an irksome intrusion or interruption.
SHERLOCKsherlock v. Alternative letter-case form of Sherlock.
Sherlock prop.n. An English surname transferred from the nickname.
Sherlock prop.n. A male given name transferred from the surname, of rare usage.
WARLOCKSwarlocks n. Plural of warlock.
WARLOCK n. a sorcerer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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