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There are 12 eight-letter words containing RISP

CRISPATEcrispate adj. (Botany) Having curled, wavy or notched edges.
CRISPATE adj. having a wavy edge, also CRISPATED.
CRISPENScrispens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of crispen.
CRISPEN v. to make crisp.
CRISPERScrispers n. Plural of crisper.
CRISPER n. a compartment in a refrigerator that keeps things crisp.
CRISPESTcrispest adj. Superlative form of crisp: most crisp.
CRISP adj. brittle.
CRISPIERcrispier adj. Comparative form of crispy: more crispy.
CRISPY adj. crisp in texture.
CRISPIEScrispies n. Plural of crispy.
CRISPIES n. as in rice crispies, puffed grains of rice, eaten esp. as breakfast cereal.
CRISPILYcrispily adv. In a crispy manner.
CRISPY adv. crisp in texture.
CRISPINGcrisping v. Present participle of crisp.
crisping n. (Topology) A crisp, clearly-defined object that exists within a more vaguely defined object.
crisping n. (Archaic) A process of curling or forming into ringlets.
CRISPINSCrispins n. Plural of Crispin.
CRISPIN n. a poetic name for a shoemaker.
RISPETTIrispetti n. Plural of rispetto.
RISPETTO n. (Italian) a type of Italian folksong with 8-line stanzas.
RISPETTOrispetto n. A kind of Tuscan poem of two quatrains in iambic tetrameter.
RISPETTO n. (Italian) a type of Italian folksong with 8-line stanzas.
RISPINGSRISPING n. a portion grated off.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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