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There are 12 eight-letter words containing RIPE

CIRRIPEDcirriped n. Any barnacle or similar crustacean of the infraclass Cirripedia.
CIRRIPED n. a barnacle or other parasitic marine crustacean, also CIRRHIPEDE, CIRRIPEDE.
OVERRIPEoverripe adj. Excessively ripe; spoiled; gone bad.
over-ripe adj. Alternative spelling of overripe.
OVERRIPE adj. too ripe.
PERIPETYperipety n. Alternative form of peripeteia (“sudden change in circumstances; crisis”).
peripety n. (Psychoanalysis) The third stage of a dream in Jungian theory.
PERIPETY n. (Greek) a sudden change in a course of events.
RARERIPErareripe adj. (Agriculture) ripening early (said most commonly of peaches and onions).
rareripe adj. (By extension, of a person, uncommon) maturing too quickly; taking on the trappings of maturity before…
rareripe n. An agricultural plant that ripens early.
RATHRIPErathripe n. (Dialectal) Alternative form of rareripe.
RATHRIPE n. a fruit that ripens early, also RARERIPE, RATHERIPE.
RIPENERSripeners n. Plural of ripener.
RIPENER n. one that ripens.
RIPENESSripeness n. The characteristic of being ripe.
RIPENESS n. the state of being ripe.
RIPENINGripening n. The process of becoming ripe.
ripening v. Present participle of ripen.
RIPEN v. to become ripe.
STRIPERSstripers n. Plural of striper.
STRIPER n. a food and game fish.
TRIPEDALtripedal adj. Having three feet.
tripedal adj. (Poetry) Having three metrical feet.
TRIPEDAL adj. having three feet.
UNRIPELYunripely adv. In an unripe way; prematurely.
UNRIPE adv. not mature enough.
UNRIPESTunripest adj. Superlative form of unripe: most unripe.
UNRIPE adj. not mature enough.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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