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There are 13 eight-letter words containing RIOR

ANTERIORanterior adj. (Anatomy) Nearer the forward end, especially in the front of the body; nearer the head or forepart of an animal.
anterior adj. (Formal) Coming before or earlier in time or development, prior to, preceding.
ANTERIOR adj. in front.
EXTERIORexterior adj. Relating to the outside parts or surface of something.
exterior adj. Being from outside a country; foreign.
exterior adj. Outdoor.
INFERIORinferior adj. Lower in rank, status, or quality.
inferior adj. Located below…
inferior adj. (Astronomy) Nearer to the Sun than the Earth is.
INTERIORinterior adj. Within any limits, enclosure, or substance; inside; internal; inner.
interior adj. Remote from the limits, frontier, or shore; inland.
interior n. The inside of a building, container, cavern, or other enclosed structure.
PRIORATEpriorate n. The dignity, office, or government of a prior.
PRIORATE n. the state or office of a prior, also PRIORSHIP.
PRIORESSprioress n. A nun in charge of a priory (usually lower in rank than an abbess); mother superior.
PRIORESS n. a female superior of a house of any of various orders of nuns.
PRIORIESpriories n. Plural of priory.
PRIORY n. a religious house.
PRIORITYpriority n. An item’s relative importance.
priority n. A goal of a person or an organisation.
priority n. The quality of being earlier or coming first compared to another thing; the state of being prior.
SUBPRIORsubprior n. The vicegerent of a prior; a claustral officer who assists the prior.
SUBPRIOR n. the vicegerent of a prior; a claustral officer who assists the prior.
SUPERIORsuperior adj. Higher in rank, status, or quality.
superior adj. Courageously or serenely indifferent (as to something painful or disheartening).
superior adj. (Typography) Printed in superscript.
ULTERIORulterior adj. Situated beyond, or on the farther side.
ulterior adj. Beyond what is obvious or evident.
ulterior adj. Being intentionally concealed so as to deceive.
VARIORUMvariorum n. An edition of a written work (especially the complete works of a classical writer) showing the notes…
VARIORUM n. (Latin) an edition of a text that includes the notes of earlier scholars or editors.
WARRIORSwarriors n. Plural of warrior.
Warriors prop.n. Plural of Warrior.
WARRIOR n. a soldier experienced in warfare.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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