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There are 18 eight-letter words containing RICA

APRICATEapricate v. (Intransitive, rare) To bask in the sun.
apricate v. (Transitive, also figuratively, rare) To disinfect and freshen by exposing to the sun; to sun.
APRICATE v. to expose to sunlight.
CLERICALclerical adj. Of or relating to clerks or their work.
clerical adj. Of or relating to the clergy.
clerical n. (Now uncommon) A member of the clergy.
FRICADELfricadel n. Alternative form of frikadelle.
FRICADEL n. (South African) a fried ball of mincemeat, also FRIKKADEL.
FRICANDOfricando n. Archaic form of fricandeau.
FRICANDO n. a roasted loin of veal, also FRICANDEAU.
IATRICALiatrical adj. Alternative form of iatric.
IATRICAL adj. pertaining to medicine, also IATRIC.
JERRICANjerrican n. Alternative spelling of jerrycan.
JERRICAN n. a fuel container, also JERRYCAN.
LORICATEloricate v. (Transitive) To cover with some protecting substance, as with lute, a crust, coating, or plates.
loricate adj. (Microbiology) Possessing a lorica (enclosing shell).
loricate adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the rotifers with thick, rigid cuticles and a box-like shape.
LUBRICALlubrical adj. Obsolete form of lubric.
LUBRICAL adj. (archaic) lubricious, also LUBRIC, LUBRICOUS.
MERICARPmericarp n. (Botany) An individual carpel of a schizocarp, having a single seed.
MERICARP n. one carpel of an umbelliferous fruit.
METRICALmetrical adj. Relating to poetic meter.
metrical adj. Having a regular rhythm.
metrical adj. Of or pertaining to measurement.
MURICATEmuricate adj. (Biology) covered with short rough points or studs.
muricate adj. (Mycology) covered with crystals.
MURICATE adj. rough or warty with short sharp points, also MURICATED.
PAPRICASpapricas n. Plural of paprica.
PAPRICA n. (Hungarian) a seasoning made from red peppers, also PAPRIKA.
PERICARPpericarp n. (Botany) The outermost layer, or skin, of a ripe fruit or ovary.
pericarp n. (Rare, figurative) The outer layer of anything.
PERICARP n. the wall of a ripened plant ovary or fruit.
RUBRICALrubrical adj. Of, pertaining to, or in the nature of a rubric.
RUBRICAL adj. colored in, or marked with, red, placed in rubrics.
STERICALsterical adj. Steric.
STERICAL adj. pertaining to atoms in a molecule, also STERIC.
SURICATEsuricate n. The meerkat, a member of the mongoose family.
SURICATE n. (Dutch) a South African carnivore, aka meerkat, related to the ichneumon.
TURRICALturrical adj. Shaped like a tower.
TURRICAL adj. like a turret.
URICASESuricases n. Plural of uricase.
URICASE n. an enzyme occurring in the liver and kidneys.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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